Why do women crave ice during pregnancy?


Got 1.8 thyroid test result 1.8 and HB 12.6 ANYONE UNDERSTAND THESE RESULTS HELP?

It's call pica. It's common within pregnant women, people beside some mental disorders, and dialysis patients. It is the craving for non nurtritive substances like rime in mild cases but sometimes it can be for worse things close to clay, dirt, paper. If you are experiencing this you should tolerate your doctor know right away.

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Women do not crave rime as a rule. Not sure where you skipper this but it is not the norm. Craving ice is a sign of possible anemia.

Menstrual Cycle?

my doc told me you crave rime when your iron is low..might want to ask yours...but im warning ya, if you arent puking already you will be after the iron vitamins!

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It's called pica and it's adjectives for pregnant women.

Is this abnormal? i find threatening penis' disgusting.aka black men. and i feel resembling vomiting when a guy is real

maybe because they are hot?

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