Ladies!! birth control / injection question!?

i am 16 years old and i want to know which is better for getting rid of / reducing your period. pills or injections? please help!

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i be on the shot and didnt have any problems i approaching the shot better then the pills you gain no period on the shot some race go obtain them but they arent that bad

Ladies Only PleaseWell unless you know in the region of this?

I would say pills.

Ok what EXACTLY should you do if you accidentally inhale bathroom cleaners / bleach?

Im on the pills and they work better except for for a moment spotting here and there.

When does the depo shot (birth control) start taking affect?

Go for the pills.

PCOS put somebody through the mill, NEED HELP!?


Don't do depo, it will screw with your system.

3rd Breast downgrading?

Everyone I know that has used injections have blown up! I use the Nuvaring. I love it.

Is there any nouns with menses and stimulation of genitals?

pills as u r 2 immature 2 go on teh injection im 17 and i tryed 2 walk on it they would do it but really advise against it as it stops ur period being regular and can be paid it harder 2 concieve wen u l8er want children they gave me the pill my period r lighter less rough and regular all best next to ur choices

Ok this is really embarassing but(girls)?


Plz i need support?

The pills the shot makes you put on counterweight I but on 30 pounds but lost it all the pills may furnish you a water bulk like pounds but you can lose it plus the pill have better benefits like lighter period clearer skin but you must remeber to take the pill everyday

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the shot is a bad thought, because if you have intolerable side effects, you are stuck next to them until the shot runs it's course (3 plus months). with the pill (the ring or the patch would in actual fact be better, due to steady hormone release) you just stop taking or remove it if you run into any trouble.

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