Ok what EXACTLY should you do if you accidentally inhale bathroom cleaners / bleach?

I don't want to go to a doctor unless it doesn't bring back better. It was bathroom products that contained bleach (yes I have the windows open) it be either that or mold.. any way what should I do? Is it better to drink something or not drink something? I hear it's good to inhale steam or is that truly worse? PLEASE give me links if you can - I can't find any


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I worked with patients after a chlorine spill in South Carolina. If you inhaled chlorine, (when?) you can experience shortness of breath, non-productive cough and bronchiospasms(when you of late can't stop coughing). You may wheeze off and on for days. Assuming you didn't suffer a chemical burn, you can enjoy the irritation for quite a while. Drinking liquid will dilute whatever you inhaled or ingested. Change your clothes on the double and put the contaminated stuff outside. It sounds like this didn't occur just presently. If it did, go to the nearest ER. If not, and you are have problems with wheezing or coughing, progress to your doctor or the ER. A chest film will take home sure you don't have an isolated burn chemical pneumonia. And definately don't mix stuff.chlorine gas is nought to play with. Doc's can impart you a couple of inhalers that will help you over the rough spots, if your exposure be minor. Hope you feel better:)

is Urinary Tract Infecton (UTI) sexually transmitted, are here other ways that a person miss it on to others?

call poison control but next time use cleaning products from http://besathealth.be in motion.cc that is not hurtful

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That have happened to me beforehand. I actually call the Poison Control. They told me to take a brisk 20 minute totter and if I had problems breathing to stir to the ER

Call them its free and they can help.

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The first and foremost thing you should do is to vacate the area directly. Go outside the house and breathe deeply, so fresh, oxygenated nouns gets into your lungs and displaces any destructive fumes you may have inhaled. Drink plenty of marine, it won't harm you. Avoid caffeinated drinks such as cola, tea or coffee. If in partially an hour you still feel sick, manager to the nearest ER, because further treatment might be needed [which I don't think will be the suitcase, unless you're asthmatic]. You can also try contacting your local Poison Control Center; they are prepared to deal next to these kind of situations and can hand over you further recommendations. Good luck, and I hope that you'll be okay impressively soon.

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