First period stories?or any other ones?

ill tell u mine

i get mine when i was 10
i be watching the tv when my stomach kept hurting i lied there for possibly 30 mins untill i got up and go to the toilet and i noticed i have bleed all the mode through my pants i shouted of my mum and showed her it and she go out and bought me pads, a necklace, a movie and loads of mags
ur turn

How long does it rob to start bleeding?

Well, it was the summer up to that time I started the 7th grade and we be on our yearly break to Six Gun Territory with my parents and siblings, aunt, uncle, and cousins. Now, Six Gun Territory be located in Ocala, Florida and have an old Western town subject. It had amusement park rides, bumper cars, a public house with live shows, and my favorite piece, the Indian shows. When I say Indian I scrounging Native American, back next all we know to call them be Indians. They were contained by full headress and everything and very nice to look at.

The day started out fine, I run from ride to ride having a apposite time but as the day progressed and get hotter, the sicker I felt. I feel a rumbly in my tumbly but I be in the middle of the bumper saloon arena. The cramping got worse, sweat bead had popped out on my forehead and I be nervous, later it happened. I crapped contained by my pants. As soon as the ride completed I backed out of the bumper motor and waddled my style to the restroom. Along with the diarrhea I have also been blessed near womanhood. I did what any 12 year old would do and stripped down my bottom partially and threw away the panties and cleaned up the best I could.

I found my mother and told her the "wonderful" news and told her I didn't have a feeling so good. We established to go study the Indian show so we could rest a while. As I was sitting within, feeling as if I could exceed out, the Chief asks for a volunteer from the audience. Of course I was the youngest one in that, so how cute would it be to have the little girl come up. I said no, but I own an Uncle who is the exact equivilant of Chevy Chase in the Vacation movies and he insisted. So did everybody else. So, near I am in the middle of the arena, cramping stomach, toilet tabloid wadded up for a make-do pad, and pantiless. Guess what I have to do? Stand there and hold a weekly while the beautiful Indian warrior splits it beside a whip.

That's in the region of all I can remember roughly speaking my first period.

what benevolent of bra should i wear if i'm 13?

i woke up one morning when i was nearly 11, saw that i had blood on my panties and i know i got my time of year. i told my mom, she gave me a wad, some chamomille tea and sent me to school! no mags, no necklace, no movie...

she kinda sucks huh?

Weird spell this month?

i was at the fred meyer bathroom because i have to go. nearby was this big brown spot on my panties, so i wadded up a papertowel and put it near. we went home after i told my mom.
now when i acquire my period it other starts at school.

It's the time of the month?

i be outside playing with my neighbors within the sprikler and it got adjectives over my clothes and my neighbor was liek what is adjectives over ur shirt and i was um kool-aid hah

and i call my mom and told her and she took me 2 get my nail done hah

how would men should treat women when they are having their spell?

I was roughly 12 and at school. I know it was going to arise sooner or later.but I sure detested it when it did! I went to the academy nurse and got a wipe! EWWWW! Momma had told me that tampons cause cancer! I figured I'd a bit have cancer than sit on a yucky raining pad! So I babysat at the time and bought my own tampons.cultured the hard channel by myself.ouch!... and never told my mother. Just kept throwing the pads out that she bought!! Never get cancer either! LOL

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i be 10 and i was surrounded by karate class and my stomach started to hurt and then class be over and i went to the bathroom and i have bleed though my pants but they where on earth black so you couldnt tell so i be going to change but didnt and i go over to my mom and said lets progress and when we got contained by the car i told her what happen and she told me everything was going to be ok

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I started my length when I was 11 and I didn't own any symptoms that I can remember. I went to the bathroom and notice a lot of brownish/red crap and thought that I have pooped on myself so I washed up and changed my panties. About a few hours latter I noticed again and realize I had started my term. I felt similar to a little woman. LOL

Help please! What do I do in the order of my friend?

My first period be a couple days befor my 12-13th birthday. My mother and her girlfriend at the time took me, my sister and two brothers to breakfast anyways i was sitting at the restaurant and i started emotion wet, I didn't deliberate anything of it but when i got home to transmute i went to the bathroom and notice my undies soaked with blood so i run and told my mothers girlfriend all feeling guilty and they went out and bought me pad and that was the stop of it, i got zilch special

Does anybody know about the body's ph smooth?

I got mine when I be 14 (luuucky, I know =D) and I was sooo embarrased! I didn't narrate my mom for, like, three months!

It happen in university, same old same matured. Nothing too exciting ^^

Nervous about ob/gyn?

don't know what age exactly about12/13 have terrible stomach cramp so mom brought me to doctor,the doc took a urine sample and said within was blood within it.she diagnosed me with acute appendix(that it have burst)and sent me straight to hospital for surgery.thankfully after a dark in hospital they figure out that my appendix was fine,that it be just my first time of year.
i still have my appendix!!

Im have trouble sleeping some one help?

I get mine 4 years ago when I was 11 and I be lying on the couch one morning. I had a few cramps but I didn't infer much of them. I started to have a sort of raining feeling between my legs and when I go to the bathroom I saw that my panties had blood on them.I know that it was my spell and I didn't worry too much.When I call my mom, she got me a wad and she was thankful to answer any questions that I have. You're so lucky that your mom bought u a necklace,a movie and mags. I didn't get any presents at adjectives. Anyway, I'm glad that my mom was and still is terrifically understanding.
Always hold a calender and tick off the days that your interval came so that you can average when its coming again.I remember one time at college,I had cramps and I thought my length had come,I be sitting and moving around funny all afternoon(lol).Thank God that it be a false alarm.

What's your Age? Are you Sexually Active?

ok well it be febuaury 25,2004, i was 11. and that afternoon my stomach kept on hurting. then me and my sis get into a fight because i be annoying her while she was on the so to trade name me go away, she kicked my within my stomach which mad the headache worst. so then i go to my bed a i felt tired
and be in anguish. i woke up at 9.00, went to the bathroom, and adjectives i saw way blood. at first i be scared but later i called my mom and she told me i get my period.

i consistency like have anal it harmful if indulged once in a while?

im 10 years out-of-date and i didn't get it yet
it might crop up really soon thow. i hope not at school!
my friend didn't find it yet but she can communicate its gnna happen resembling tmarrow! so she keeps them on her contained by her book bag a moment ago in shield. she said if i get it i can barrow hers. isn't she the best! every other week i see a tiny bit of red lately like 3 little dots. so does my friend. im really small and i wonder wen it is gonna crop up! u no wat sucks. is that boys go through wat 2 things 4 puberty
voice change
growing hair
we dance through sooooooooooooooooooooo much!
its not fair gratefulness a lot God!! my om say i can stay home from school the 1st time i gain it. my 2 sisters (16 & 13) will help me through it wen it does happen

nice talkin'!!

Need some counsel please!?

uhm i got mine at home but it be really wierd to tell my mom roughly it.
anothe rone was when i thought my length was over but it of late took a little break, so i come to institution and i see that im bleeding, and of course i forgot my tampon. so i have to go around asking every girl for one and no body have one, so i had to shift to the nurse
theres a guy stading right there as my friends tell the nurse and he's in recent times looking at me like i get hold of it and the damn pad is approaching 3 inches thick. so i expiration up asking this 6th grade don. she was the mentor who taught own flesh and blood life when i nwas within 6th, and she told us that we could go to her for anything. so i ask her and theres ANTHER guy listen the whole time.
and the third time be last year, i put within my tampon wrong and i didn't have another one. so i'm out contained by p.e. and my panties are SOAKED with blood. btw toilet tabloid does NOT work. my p.e. teacher make me take a nouns because i obviosly trying to avoid any movements. i had to step through the WHOLE day, and approaching a drop go on my jeans, but zilch was a miracle
but adjectives this scarred me for enthusiasm and now i change/look after it when im on so upset.

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