Does anybody know about the body's ph level?

I am trying to adjust my body's ph level, to be more caustic. What can i do without douching. Is only eating lasting foods enough or is here anything else i can do? supplements? does anybody know which ones?


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frolic acid

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Ask Google!

Tampon Newbie.?

Are you crazy? Douching will not help increase the tang or your body, actually it robs the vaginal tract of the flora that should be in that that wards sour infection! The body has a different pH contained by many places. For instance, the pH of the stomach is nearly that to hydrochloric acid, where on earth in the intestines it's smaller number, and the ear canal is different too.

If you're looking for freight loss, trying to make your body more caustic is not only foolish, but it lead to many form risks.

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if you want your ph to be more acidic,
you entail to lay off salads,
and put away more junk foods, start smoking
because green leafy veg, alkalises your body,
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for a start you should never douch as this disrupts the normal flora, im assuming your chitchat about your private nouns and are suffering from repeated attacks of thrush or vaginitis. try to change your bodywash or bubblebath as things resembling cream of. washes can bring thrush .also wear cotton underwear that is loose. and avoid feminine wipe products etc check out first link,,1510,5888,00.html

try these links also google : vaginal ph, or body ph and mundane flora.. hope this helps!

Girls. relief?

The normal body pH is 7.4 If you attempt to transmutation it you must first overcome the built-in buffers. My advice would be to not play beside nature.

Is it commonplace to be irritated down there several days after the first access?

I think it's 7. I hold heard that the bitter level within the vagina affects whether it's the X or Y that has a better occasion of getting to the egg for fertilization. That's all I know. Others might own clarification.

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