What can I do to bring pleasured sex rear legs into my vivacity?

Hello I am a young 21 year infirm female and for the final two years my sex drive has be going down hill. I quality I am too young for this but when I jump to talk to professionals, I glibly get anxious away from my age. This problem has be putting alot of stress on my 4 year relationship and im desperate to fix it. The desire rairly comes and when it does it goes away speedily since It turns into a dessert down there and it is difficult to orgasum. Then I obtain embarressed. I dont know excatly what im asking help for I only just know im too young for this. Any suggestions on what I can do? I in recent times dont want to totally loose it and I want to become that lover I once was.

Answers:    practice...practice..practice.
try a threesome or some crazy-* entry that you wouldnt normally do What sort of a dessert? rice pudding perchance?
Have you ever had a thyroid audition to see how your thyroid gland is functioning? At your age it would seem abit unusual, but not impossible, for your sex drive to be so low. Alot of times if your hormones are out of "whack" and not functioning properly this can make happen yoru sexual drive to plummet. Go see your doctor and explain your problem to him/her. Suggest a thyroid test to see how your hormones are functioning next go from within. If your hormones are not functioning properly the dr will put you on some birth control pills or other medication to bring those hormones back into a usual state of functioning and that would straighten out your sexual drive. If it turns out to not be your hormones then the at tiniest the dr will have an impression of where to budge from there. Good luck to you! At your age you should be a raging, hormonal crazed woman! lol Take care! do something to procure in the mood - hold a chat woth your bloke and have a romantic dinnertime and then work on foreplay. enjoy a bit of time concentrating on you... lots of foreplay (that will stop you being dry and bring you in the mood) bring it slowly then increase it - use toys or lubracation to manage orgasm
try masturbation to see what will help you orgasm.
you are too young-looking to lose sex drive. try not to be performing - the harder you try the less potential you are to enjoy it.
try something ground-breaking and sponanious like hold sex outdoors or in the shower, even if you dont discern like it do it and hopefully you will relight the spark.
Good luck - the other thought is - are you sure that the guy is right?! basically a thought you prob dont want to here but is your relationship ok? is he the guy for you?
either track talk to him and try something investigational.
if it still doesnt come back speak to a doctor - it could own deeper causes resembling depression or illness.
If you smoke or do drugs - quit this reduce your sex drive, try taking some natural stimulants approaching the herbal viagra you can buy in shops
Hi, sorry for your situation you enjoy found yourself in. I enjoy been here and done that and know your pain. I needed a womanly viagra basically or something to fix my low sex drive and shabby orgasms. I found a natural feminine libido enhancer called Hersolution. I save on it at the time at herenhancement.com also. However these pills boosted my sex drive and you can really tell. Not to mention the orgasm strength is great immediately

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