Nervous about ob/gyn?

i have an appt beside a MALE gyno tommorrow (no women avaliable) and im really nervous and confused. Why would a man be a gynocologist? and arent most women scheduling appts beside females? How do men stay in business? Im so a bundle of nerves to have a man looking down within! Any help? Suggestions on how to cope?

I am pretty and own a great family but still receive depressed all the time. Any planning w/ out medicine?

if your fancy that uncomfortable just about having a masculine..then quash your appointment and make one next to a female.

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The most part of the ob/gyn are manly. Is a posibility to try for a female ob/gyn. A nurse(female) is supose to enter and be near the doctor during the exam. I cope thinking is only one a year.

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I have have equally good and impossible experiences with both manly and female OB's. I surmise it just depends on the type of party he is. Begin by being honest. Tell him that you've never have a male OB/GYN until that time, and that he needs to be sympathy of that.

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No most women don't programme with a feminine if they are smart. You schedule and appointment beside the most knowledgable doc who has YOUR interests at stake. The doc go to school for GYN because he have an interest in womens health and babies etc. He requests to help relations in common the same as adjectives docs do. Why would you be nervous give or take a few a male doc if he is a extraordinarily competent and caring doc. I would much a bit see a very honest male doc than to see a lousy womanly doc. Think about your vigour and well mortal and less just about the sex of you doctor.

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People go to arts school to become doctors and they don't become a specialist until the very fall. So it's not like he set out from the initiation to be a creepy gynocologist. You have to run to medical school for a long time and after apply for different internships and residencies and you may apply for 6 different fields, and lone get agreed to 1 or 2. So in most cases they "fall", for a want of a better term, into gynocology. I guess plentifully of women are shy about have a male see them "down there" but I'm not one of them. Honestly, I prefer to hold a male doctor. Having a woman look at and touch those areas in reality seems more awkward and humiliated to me, everyone is different though. There's really not much to it, once you've been a time or two you'll wonder what you be so worried about.

FEMALES R GIRLS ONLY PLZ(unless u enjoy a good answer or guess)-What is up beside my bod?

Men can be just as interested in the workings of the womanly reproductive system as women. They're professionals and see it as nothing more than vigour care. I'm sure abundant women see female obgyn's, but I've never care one way or the other. As long as I'm getting obedient quality condition care, it doesn't concern to me. I've actually have male obgyn's be profoundly nicer and more gentle than womanly doctors. Don't worry. Explain to him that you're really stressed. Remind yourself that he's a doctor, he does this everyday, and all he's thinking of is the strength and welfare of his patients.

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Don't verbs about it at adjectives, it's their job, this is what they do for a living and what they studied to do, they are professionals. I have to see a male gyno a couple times when I be pregnant when my doctor was busy beside deliveries. Its really no big accord. They aren't looking at you in a sexual way so don't be humiliated. Believe me when it's all over beside your going to wonder to yourself why you were so timid.

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