girls only?

what is te best tampon brand

I realy need assistance! plz answer?

Organic tampons if you are going for disposable tampons
As well as providing non-bleached 100% natural cotton tampons and pads, they are also a moral company who do like mad to promote healthier menstrual product alternatives (of course not including competing menstrual products such as menstrual cups such as Divacup or Keeper that are safer, greener, cheaper and more convenient) and educating family as to the environmental and health impact of menstrual option.

If going for any type of tampon combonation you have the alternative of homemade tampons or sponge tampons such as Jade & Pearl -

Commercial tampons are the most harmful out of over 20 different menstrual option, not just for vigour but also the environment due to their [unnecessary] manufacturing processes.

Materials used for industrial commercial tampons and commercial pads are not natural also the synthetics waste profoundly of trees, these materials also increase risk of infections, vaginal splitting and TSS because of their absorbency.

Chemicals and bleaches used also pose a risk not just by altering vaginal PH cause bacterial and yeast imbalances that can head to infections and increased risk of TSS but also as your vagina is a major orifice of your body next to mucosa (rather than skin that has a protective layer) it medium these chemicals can find their way into your body and collect in fatty tissues over time.
Legally tampon and wad manufacturers are not grateful to tell customers what chemicals they use, given as up until the belated 1990's they used chlorine gas bleaching, by-product of which was notably toxic dioxin, the chemicals they use could be anything and pose any number or risks.

Could Type 1 diabetes cause period to stop?

i'm a tampax kind of girl

A couple of strength questions?

Kotex. The one near the slight ridge so you can get a grip on it to push it through the applicator

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well i have a hysterectomy at 30 so this question is a touch out of my league since i have not kept up near any of the brands.but i like unthinking products so maybe they form good tampons too.i hold heard of plentifully of people using kotex brands of things too.

Mature WOMEN one and only please??/?

I like tampax. The plain outmoded tampax. I've tried Kotex and Playtex, and I had leak with both. Never have a leak near tampax.

It's all something like preference and comfort though

can canesten cream pull condoms?

Playtex gental guilde or tampax pearl.

What is an orgasm?

TAMPAX!for sure

what should i do with my wife contained by wedding darkness?


Light cramps.?

Tampax pearl.

Are fake boobs as soft as material ones?

I like Playtex Slimfits, which are the ones I find the easiest to insert short discomfort and I have never have a problem with leak.they are all I can use.

What birth control can you steal once a week?

Platex pearl

Embarassing Period question?


List of approved medicare prescription drugs.?

tampax,tampax pearl,tampax compax, and playtex serene glide

I hold completed the course in reiki (second degree)?

Playtex gentile fly in the blue box, or Kotex because the grips on the applicator so it is easier to insert.

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