Ok well i had my first period feburary 28 but dont no when my next one is im still waiting what should i do?=)

please help me i dont no what to do

How can playing sports stop/delay a woman's spell?

You don't have to do anything. Just hold a pad near you.

My menstrual, ladies?

If it was your first, you are probably not regular on the other hand. Usually 28-30 days. Everyone is different

Would you please advise me a slogan for cervix cancer?

You don't call for to do anything. For at least the first year or so you may be highly very irregular while your body settles down into a model so skipping periods is terrifically normal contained by the first year. Since you don't know when your next one will be hold on to a pad surrounded by your purse at all times "a short time ago in case"

Has any one died from taking the morning after pill?

First period are very typically spotty and will not come with the 28 days that it will once it is up and running as a rule.

If you use tampons, carry one surrounded by your bag or a wipe. This will help when you do start again. They are traditionally 28 days from day 1 to day 1. I hope this help. :)

Tantra or Tantric Sex?

trust me girl, dont hold your breath. you have to own a certain pertentage of body plump to have a regular interval, so if youre thin, it might be crazy. freshly carry a tamp near you everywhere just contained by case, and if you absolutley cannot stand waiting and not knowing, get hold of on birth control and it will be very regular.

Is it perilous to have sex multiple times until that time having kid ?

Periods are across the world 21-35 days apart. That can vary if you own female problems, are particularly athletic, etc. If that was your first one, yours won't be spaced regularly for awhile; it take your body awhile to fall into a template. If you don't have it again by the extremity of this week, talk to your mom or another woman you trust (or your doctor). They may know how to help you more beside this. Good luck!~

Everyday we read lot of things about HIV/aids.why our pharmaceutical co.can not find women friendlycondom?


Now, what you should do is relax. For the first few years, your cycle will be irregular. You a moment ago have to impart your body the time to adjust to it's new role, and that take a few years.

All that you can do until your cycle is regular is to always be prepared. Keep a verbs pair of panties and a couple of pad in your locker or rucksack at all times. And net a note on a calendar or contained by a PDA of the dates of your period. That way, you'll be capable of keep track of your cycles, and you'll be capable of figure out when your cycle become more regular.

You need to fathom out, though, that regular is a relative term. Very few women are as regular as clockwork, and 28 afternoon cycles are the median average (you remember mean, median and modal averages from math class, right?), not the "normal" cycle length. The single thing that isn't conventional is never having a cycle.

Now, I hope that you've have a chance to share your mother or another older feminine relative, and to talk just about all of this. If not, do so presently - they've been here, too.

I'm adding some links for you nearly some stuff that you do need to know, although zilch here is specifically about menstruation or menstrual cycles. But the information in these links is in a minute important to you, and it will be for the rest of your natural life.

Again, congratulations on joining the ranks.

For Doctor Titles what does the initials F.A.C.O.G mean.?

Every woman is different. I'm 27 very soon and my periods are more resembling 40 days apart. Don't sweat it; just be prepared

Today is the 7th day that I've have a headache, and I've been thought dizzy as well. What is wrong beside me?!

I got my first later December 14 and still haven't gotten my second one

Can someone help me invent a trial product for women's vaginas.?

I took hormone pills to regulate my period age 20 yrs., but please check next to your parents or doctor befor doing this!

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