My girlfriend and I were having sex today and she started to bleed during it...?

Her last spell started on the 17th. Any idea what might hold caused it?

Tom's of Maine?

It could be that you a moment ago hit the side of the vagina. If she is on the pill its usually makes the bin liner on the walls a weaker. If it continues during sex then i suggest she see a doctor.

However if she is worried something like it then i suggest she see a doctor presently. I do hope your girl is getting her pap test regularly?

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You may own been too rough or she did not enjoy enough lubrication. Both these things can exact abrasions inside of her and bleeding.

My friend desires help asap?

You mave enjoy broke the skin on something or riped something, let restore to health 4 a day or two and see how things move about

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since u two are knock eachother up she probally went on the pill which change her period - they arent as SCHEDUALD as u men might devise lol

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Maybe you be too"aggresive" and some little piece of skin inside got torn. If it's not a highest bleeding and it stops fairly rapid I would not worry almost it.

PMS anyone?

is she on the pill? That can do it. Did you go cavernous and hurt her?

please please help !?

Was this her first time? If it be, you could have torn her hymen.

Other cause for bleeding during sex could be insufficient lubrication (meaning you could have in fact torn the flesh inside her vagina) or a medical reason that should be checked out and diagnosed by a doctor. Bleeding during sex should other be reported to a doctor.

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she might have tore rather inside or she might have have some residual blood left from her spell and the activity made it release. shouldnt be anything to verbs about unless in that is pain involved. if she is worried in the order of it tell her to dance to a doctor to check it out.

Yeast Infections?

Could it be that she was a virgin?

Or that you be a little rough?

Is it ordinary to have epic bleeding the month you go on the contraceptive pill?


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