Lying to doctor?

i'm going to the doctor because i want to go on the pill, i told my mom it was because i be having really bad cramps and my time of year was being messed (which is true) but mostly it's because i don't completely trust condoms and i merely think the pill would be safer. but anyways to get to the interrogate, my mom always comes into the doctors office near me and i know they're gonna ask me if i'm sexually active but i don't want my mom to know i am, so if i lie and right to be heard no, will it make thaat much of a difference? and if so, what can do to make sure i don't hold to lie, besides telling my mom the truth end in i know she'd flip -_-

Can someone please oblige me am i pregnant or is it simply the pill?

Tell your mom you can go back on your own. If for some cause you are unable to do so, the pill will do nothing to you if you are have sex, just make sure you are not pregnant. Also save in mind you should be advised that the pill will not prevent pregnancy for two months and a condom beside the pill is advised. Also know that if you get sick some forms of antibiotics will disconitue the pill (it wont work)

How Much does the EC(morning after) pill cost?

Since you are going for birth control pills the doctor will most likley ask your mom to walk out the room so she can get honest answers. Tell your mom you are old satisfactory to do go through a doctor's appointment by yourself. You want to tell the doctor the truth. Good luck.

Is mortal on my extent for 3 weeks everyday?

Lie to the doctor until you two are alone and afterwards tell them the truth. But make sure to explain that you don't want your mom to know.

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i lied to my doctor and they still put me on birth control and its not similar to they are going to really no that u are sexually active so good luck

Dermamed psoriaderm?

umm.. a short time ago tell her that you will go wager on by yourself.
or tell her u masturbate

thats all i can presume of

Where is it?? do i even own one?

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