Had unprotected sex 3 times last night. It's 19 days since last period. He withdrew ev time. could i be preg?


I had my interval 2 wks ago & today I got discharge beside blood clots?

Yes, you can get pregnant near the withdrawal method.
Get an OTC pregnancy assessment to make sure.
I would use some other method of birth-control.
I enjoy used the withdrawal method past its sell-by date & on for many years & I have 1 planned pregnancy. However, I wouldn't recommend this method.

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Use condoms instead of coming on womenanswers.org the next light of day.

Yes, you can be pregnant even if he withdrew.

I of late saw the Colin Farrel home video! Anyone else seen it?


Please someone help, this is urgent! ant answers appreciated?

I would distinctly get a exam! Withdrawal is only powerful about 80% of the time.

Women- Mammo cross-question?

You could be. Pre-ejaculate does contain sperm. I recommend having protected sex from presently on if you don't want kids or an STD. Let this time be a good alarm for you!

Woman how long does your periods later i would like to know.?

Yes, you could. Also, sorry to vote, you could've picked up an STD. Get tested & play safe.

What is preeclamsia surrounded by pregnant women?

You certainly could become pregnant, but it's too soon to convey. Come on, Lisa. If you're smart enough to use a computer and come her and ask, you're smart adequate not to have unprotected sex.

Could it be endometriosis?

yeah u could be pregnant, i would embezzle a test to find out for sure or budge to ur doctor, for future mention pullin out isn't a form of birth control, if u don't wanna get pregnant get hold of on the pill.

I think i am on my time of year but i don't know help?!?

Don't nouns, you haven't gone past your subsequent period!! but coming fund down to earth...Yes you could be pregnant, semen is disappeared inside the urethera after each ejaculation, and he did permeate you again, and then again, sooooooo, I suggest you progress to a doctor for examination if your spell becomes deferred. It's not for sure that you may be pregnant, it RARELY happens, but nearby is a slight possibility...use protection next time!

Oh and taking a oral exam right now won't show you anything...the HCG hormone (detected in pregnancy) is not detectable until after possibly 2-10 days AFTER your missed period.

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Withdrawal is better than nothing I guess, but still agency too risky. Please go to your local strength clinic where you can receive FREE birth control. Condoms won't require you to carry an exam, but if you choose the pill you'll probably have to get hold of an exam. But hey, a few moments of feeling discomfited is much better than becoming pregnant and having the responsibility of a pregnancy you weren't prepared for.

What should i do if i accidentally took 2 birht control pills contained by 1 day? I will finish the pack 1 daylight early..?

Withdrawal is never an successful means of birth control. Pre ejaculate things could come out at anytime and neither of you will feel it or know it, but it contains sperm. You really should be more adjectives about sex past you have it. I surface bad for your kid if you are pregnant. Why are associates so stupid?

HELP! I am 17 and i want to know how often girls maturbate, how they do it, do they do it next to friends?

yes are pregnant and you should know that by now since you has unprotected sex

Don't come to womenanswers.org for answer you might already know.

During sex past 6 month I use 'TODAY' but it is not suited for my body. my lover don't want to use condom.

THE WITHDRAW METHOD IS NOT A GUARANTEE! I learned surrounded by sex ed that as soon as it in that 3 million sperm are inside of you, swimming up to your egg. So the answer is YES. Please be more practical the next time...AVOID IT

PMS or what!@!?

The entry is, you never really know. The pre- can impregnate you. (it hasn't with me yet) But it does beside some people. You as a rule have 28 days contained by between each cycle, offer or take a few, so you won't really know if you are pregnant until you go by up the time period, that's typically when the pregnancy tests can pick up ample of the pregnancy hormone. Good luck girlie! Stay safe!

A WOMEN ANSWER PLZ! *about tampons*?

play past the worst. use a condom in the adjectives. you could well be pregnant...and hope he's verbs cause you could've okay pick up an std too.

I got pregnant once near that method.after 1 year and 1/2 with the guy and the method.radonm.

apt luck sweetie.

(if you are I have a inventory of herbs not to cart during pregnancy..)

Mirena IUD.?

yes u can be preggers. even if he didnt @ all u can bc of pre-ejacualtion. sum1 missed sex ed

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