PMS or what!@!?

I dont get depressed at adjectives, but every month or so I feel as if everything is comming down on me. I have a feeling ugly and a moment ago one little thing can set me sour to cry. I dont feel resembling killing myself or any of that. I hold a great life and own all that I obligation but every month or so I get approaching im not worthy to have this time. Its kind of the solely way I can explain it. Im bloated and consistency ishy. I think it happen every month a week before my time of year. Does anyone eles feel this track. I dont even want to be nice to the pt's at work i feel sooo impossible. Does any body eles feel this process?

What food do you like to devour after sex?

i get equal way in recent times before my time of year. I get depressed and incredibly moody. I feel bleak for people around me! Its of late the hormones, and theres not much we can do about it. I enjoy heard that in attendance are things that doctors can give you if you seize really depressed and stuff during your period, but i hold never tried them.

why are my periods so irregular?

you should see your doctor

Do birth control pills hold to be prescribed, or can you get them at the drugstore?

yes, you can surface this way up to two weeks formerly getting your period, it's everyday

I havn't masturbate ever in my energy & don'tt feel sexually aroused.Is in that anything wrong with me?Plz suggest

I reckon its pms. My mom and girl friends have told me in the region of it. It is horrible they say. Some family get angry, others become immensely sensible and so on.

GL handling it!


Pimpledown there?

ok I'm a guy, and what your describing is terrifically common, but... can't you conciously realize that it is that point in your cycle that your hormones engineer you feel resembling that, and make a point to not agree to it affect your actions so much? Or is near just no controlling it?

ladies.. how big is the chance of becoming pregnant if you hold PCOS?

Sounds like PMS to me. I've battle depression for years, but I did notice that it other got worse give or take a few a week before my interval. Even now, I double the dose of my antidepressants within the week before my term.

If it starts to affect your personal and professional life, though, you might want to see a doctor nearly it.

Is there a such entry as appetite pills. If so where can I capture some.?

My P.M.S. hits a week before my time also, don't wig out, it's everyday..ask your doctor about things that you can pocket to help near the symptoms, natural herb do wonders also! Good Luck :) I just smoke pot, but I hold a perscription for's not for everyone, but you can get medical marijuana for P.M.S. and severe cramps.

Anyone know exactly how oral contraceptives/estrogen increase the risk of heart problems?

Yesssssssssss.. When I "forget" my exercise routine and devour too much processed foods. I WILL be so ugly to myself for a small interval of time before my length. I won't want to shower or wear make up, thinking... "what will THAT fine-tuning?" I feel portly and feel approaching everyone else sees it too. I don't want to be in motion out, and occasionally find myself taking it out on the kids or the man. Sometimes it even feels close to purposefull laziness or laxidazical melancholly. or contented depression. I touch like a walking contradiction in every path. during that time. Makes one wonder how a female president would clear decisions during that time of the month. but afterwards again. we turned out just fine. Yeah, I don't want to christen my friends or be nice to anyone either. Sometimes I do it lately to shift out of that feeling though.

Plan Bshould I be worried?

Sounds approaching typical PMS to me. And yup. I get that opening too.

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