Can I suddenly be allergic to spermicide?

I have other used condoms as a birth control method. I used to always use ones next to spermicide and never had any problems. My bf and I used to enjoy sex a lot (once a afternoon or more...) with condoms next to spermicide. I can't use condoms with spermicide anymore because after sex I am massively itchy and have a burning intuition. Is it possible to suddenly be allergic to spermicide like that? Just sooner or later, it affects me? Maybe because I used to use it so much?

Is it true that the woman cant forget the first time(lost virginity)?

You can become suddenly allergic to anything , especially with frequent exposure.

Condom broke/tore at the tip will I attain pregnant?

Spermicides have be known to incentive allergy and irritation in plentiful women.

Warning signs -
A small number of people are allergic to the ingredients in spermicide. Signs of allergy may include:
- Itching, burning or swelling of the areas touched by the spermicide.
- A impetuous or redness.

Nonoxynol-9, or N9, is the most adjectives spermicide, a substance that can destroy sperm. Unfortunately, N9 can also irritate and disrupt the vaginal epithelium. There is also concern that N9 can act in response with latex condoms and make happen more release of the latex proteins, which could then increase the risk of latex allergy. Condoms next to N9 are not recommended and do not supply benefit.

You might want to read the articles attached below. Take care.

Has anyone ever hear.?

its very possible. definite kinds of latex, and a guaranteed change within the amount of spermicide could definately trigger a new impulse. did you use a new brand of condom?

Women singular . nipple question ?

You may own an infection, and the condoms are irritating it more. For the first 6 months or so that I was sexually influential, I would get chronic urinary tract infections because my body be still adjusting to what be going on. You should go to the doctor just contained by case.

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