Girls and women only.. this is kind of ackward... it's not and STD cuz i'm only 14?

about 3 days ago i noticed that i be having some dull pain down there. i can't really describe what liberal of pain it is its not an inflamation or a soreness type of spasm. and its not on the surface its inside. at first i thought it was the down getting up in there but it wasn't. it's not constant niggle i only have a feeling it when i move a certain course like if i stand up or when i'm walking and even after if i move another way i can kind the pain stop. the stomach-ache isn't very desperate its tolerable but its just self-conscious. its not a tampon or anything because i don't have my time yet. and i've notice a pattern.. i first catch sight of it sometime in the afternoon and it go away in the evening, idk if it is of any significance its purely what i noticed.

and i'm serious, don't trade name up some stupid story like "omg u enjoy a disease your going to die!!" just to upset me cuz i know people do that sometimes and its suggest so just dont cuz i won't believe you.

don't be aim please!
thank you for answering

How good is estrogen ? My mom plans to hold them but I dont want her to?

It is probably an infection, bladder and/or yeast. The most likeliest cause is the opening you wipe your butt. I am not being funny or cruel but massively serious. Talk to your mother and get an appointment near her doctor. That is the best advise.

Is within any effective medication for irregular periods?

you might be getting equipped to have your length

Vaginial pain?

probably endometriosis or adenomyosis or myoma.
jump check with your gynecologist

Anyone given Vicky Entwissles tentative exercise DVD a go?

Go see a doctor. You could enjoy some sort of infection.

If you got that implanted birth control that get put into your upper arm and you are protected for 2 years..?

maybe it is a yeast infection or bladder infection starting? I don't know. Never had that ensue before. I would homily to your mom or something and go to the doctor.

Late interval?

Hard to say, might be a yeast infection. Alot of women catch these; even virgins and young girls. Tell your mom and own her make an gyno appointment. If you dont own a female you can turn to, call for Family planning (in phone book) and make an app. They are a free clinic for this sort of piece.

Good Luck

How much do birth control pills usually cost?

OMG i have those same pains. i go to the doctor and she said it was a minor bladder infection and she give me these pills to take. ugh i detested it tho it hurts dusnt it?

all who need to knw bwt period and whens best to have sex and concieve?

You may be going to own your period. It is big time at 14.

have you ever gotten pregnant using a condom?

Have you thought about that it could be the start of your
extent? I was 13 when I started. It sounds similar to cramps to

If your really worried about it hold your mom take you
to the doctor..

Have any of you feel "displaced" at a job?

Talk to your mom and receive an appointment to see a Doctor.

18 with small boobs?

Hey it's alright, alot of girls-woman enjoy embarrassing question. You could have a bladder infection, or kidney it is simple to fix, You entail to go to the grown in your energy and tell them that you inevitability to see a doctor, because you think you might enjoy a bladder infection, it is very simple purloin a pill for about 1 week and your done. And you do not hold to be active to draw from this, even 2 yrs get this .

How much bulk should i expect to gain taking ortho-triciclin?

Well,If you want a true answer maybe you should see a Gynaecologist or your doctor. R u sexually helpful? If you are maybe you are have pain after you have an encounter with that party. I am not to sure sorry. Just talk to a specialist.

Just found out Zelnorm have been recall 3/30/07. Noone at the pharmacy told me. I refilled on that same time!?

although my pain wasn't exactly close to that...i had more up...practical my hip. and it was when i be 14...and i also noticed a stencil with the path my body was positioned. i meditate you should tell ur mother or some one who can pocket this seriously and can offer give support to. but before that...please research the problem. dance to google and type in "vaginal pain" or somethign close. read in the region of it...etc. or if you are chill with the hwole article...give it some time and see what happen because i gave my agony a while ... like 3.5 weeks...and it go away...than a month later i begin gtting it again...but i wasn't that bad...and it go away sooner. and thank god...since then i haven't have the pain...because it use to bring preety painful. one point for this pain could be if you get ur period single a bit ago. i mean, if ur spanking new to this. if you got ur interval when you were 12 or after...this could newly be a minor thign...because they are not supposed to be perfect...timing-wise and feel-wise. i hope this help. and i hope that pain of your go away and it's nothing most important. :-)

How do you know if you have a hernia?

You stated that it is not an std, i lift that you are not have sex! Good! So the subsequent thing to say aloud to is you need to create an appointment to see you doctor. This definitely is not a put somebody through the mill you should post for the general public to answer. If you are not have sex or doing anything your parents will disapprove of talk to them. That is what's wrong these time's kids will not talk to their parents but would to some extent get advocate from a bunch of strangers. To add it may be something resembling a urinary track infection a yeast infection no one can be sure that's why it is exceptionally important for you to reach a deal to your parents and or your doctor what ever is more comfortable for you but not strangers who do not know your health environment and could be given any type of advise.

I'm a allure girl,my problem is that i like to do sex so much, near any creature?

Might be a cist. Do you feel comfortable touching the nouns, if you do and feel a small lump it may be a cist that requests to be drained. If you hurts urinating and have a bit of a disorientation you may have a bladder infection.

There are women's clinics in almost every nouns. Check out your phone book or do a local internet search. I would procure it checked out to be on the safe side. Planned Parenthood may be a worthy place to start to get a dub of a women's clinic.

Women help please?

I'm sorry to relay you this, but there's not really any opening we can diagnose this over the internet. Anyone that tells you differently will be lying. You said it's not an STD and you're probably right. But the reality that you're 14 would have nought to do with it. Have you have sex? Oral sex? Has there ever be ejaculation near your privates (not necessarily next to sex)? If not, then, you're right, it can't be an STD.

With STDs out of the bearing, has anything besides tampons and underwear ever touched you down nearby? For example, if your hands weren't verbs when you masturbated, you might have gotten an infection. Is within any weird discharge (excessive, smelly, discoloration)?

I know it might nouns scary, but the best item to do would be to ask your mom to set up an appointment to see a gynecologist. Especially if you haven't had sexual relations. It's probably something totally innocent, close to your underwear isn't letting things breathe. But you need to step to a doctor to find out. If that's way too fearsome, then dance to a Planned Parenthood. They can see you really cheap and without relating your parents.

The bottom line is that at hand shouldn't pain down in that and you should get it taken keeping of. Pain is your body's way of unfolding you something isn't right.

Why do tampons make one sick when used between period.?

From most of the answers here. I would say the common concern is correct. It is most likely one of three things. A: your length coming. B: a yeast infection. or C: a bladder or urinary tract infection. None of which require sex to happen. As a event of Fact were you alive you probably would have started by presently because activity would own caused your body to counter. But Get an appointment with a OB/Gyn to be locked.

Period probs! 23 year old!?

Go To Planned Parenthood!
Sweetie it's probably in recent times "growing pains" because you're a teen, and you'll probably get your length soon. Don't be scared, silly! Your body will freak you out seriously in the subsequent few years. You need to find the Planned Parenthood in your nouns and go see a doctor at hand, just to be sure. Planned Parenthood see teenage girls confidentially (they won't explain to your parents) in valise you are worried about that. Also, it's free to you if you do not label your own money or have a livelihood. Just give them a ring, ask if you can speak to a nurse, and tell her your problem. She will probably ask you to come surrounded by to see the doctor. They are all really nice, and they hold all women doctors and nurses. They will be really consideration and helpful. Here's a correlation to help you find the clinic nearest to you:
Don't verbs! But do see a doctor, ok? I am guessing that you don't discuss things like this next to your parents, or else you wouldn't be probing for answers here. I really think you should have a chat to your parents regarding your form, sweetie, or at least a close relative, or even the conservatory nurse, okey?

How bad is this?

it sounds to me close to its a puberty problem, you need to see a doctor. if the doctor is dumb and dosent see your misery, than exaggerate it! im not joking any backache down there, (if your not sexually active) can be something completely serious. so what every you do try to scedule and appointment. tell your mom and if you dont draw from the attention from her there are plenty of free clinics. so dont verbs about it, its up to the doctors!!

I have a loop diathermy/excision biopsy of the cervix done yesterday, and was told I can't progress swimming after

get ready for ur time!! if ur worried talk to ur mom or a gynacologist just about it

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