all who need to knw bwt periods and whens best to have sex and concieve?

Are virgins obligated to get pap smears?

The solely time you will conceive is when you have sex during your fertile time, this is around 30% of your whole menstrual cycle – the afternoon of ovulation (from day 12-16 of your menstrual cycle) and the days prior when cervical mucus is present. For conception to take place you need both the egg and the cervical mucus as the mucus help protect sperm from the acidic environment of the vagina, it also give it a means to manage the egg once ovulation occurs. Timing can also assistance you choose the sex of your baby [Shettles Method].

You can notify when you are fertile through the use of basic charting of your cycle, soundtrack methods such as CycleBeads, ovulation testing kit, ovulation testing equipment similar to Persona or Ladycomp, or using Fertility Awareness Methods.

More information;

Fertility Awareness Method information; - FAM - FAM - FAM - NFP - BOM

Equipment; - Ladycomp - CycleBeads - Persona


I was wondering why after I run to the bathroom I get a yellowish-greenish-clearish stain in my underpants?

Not really a grill!

but for a more scientific description check out the intermingle below

why is nicotine so addictive even the alternative inhalers are as well?

731 it's my predilection number. Thanks

What are the bright red freckle type marks that appear on the skin and how do you or can you seize rid of them?

Go to it will have adjectives the informatin that you will ever want to know on getting pregnant.

Pain during intercourse. . .?

there is a web site, which plots it adjectives out for you, try "natural familial planning." it even prints you an ovulation calendar complete with which days to own sex, listing the most fertile days.
i found the site by typing in the check out engine: ovulation calendar.
good luck.

I own a red colored discharge coming out of my nipples is this normal?

A week in the past your period, I be always told you be the most fertial then.

Question girls ONLY!?

Know your cycle calender. Best time for conception is making sure sex coincides next to ovulation. The average time is the 14th day of the cycle but you bring back the exact time by following your daily body heat. Under normal condition conditions ovulation is accompanied by a sudden increase in warmth.

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