I want to have a day off my periods while bleeding, is it possible?

im 22 year old unmarried. not lower than any pill.
my period stays for 5 to 6 days. voice after the 1 st day i wanna skip the second day(just for one day) and afterwards continue near the regularities in my period.. is this possible? cos say i may be have to visit a holy place near my family on my second morning of periods,
any medicine available in india? wat may be the side effects. is it incredibly risky

Ladies!! i need your opinion please!?

since a period is the sloughing rotten of the blood collected as the monthly egg formed because no fertilization occurred beside sperm. For a variety of vigour reasons the blood cannot stay within the body one being that it may bring back degraded with baacteria and other toxins forming be it to stay in the body.Once this process begin determined by the internal body clock can see of no way to stop and afterwards restart and am not familiar next to any folk medication You can go to www.islamonline.lattice where the topic is women using birth control pills and/or other contraceptives to stop a length for certain Holy days or Jiad and from what I briefly read that is to say ok according to the Koran BUT it does also say that it is not OK to put your energy in risk with this practice and it is advise that the woman see a health professional earlier she does this which would also be necessary to take a prescription for the birth control pills if she plans to use them.Stay Well!

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yes! if u achieve on birth control it can stop u ur dr. can tell u how. its really a slightly common point also i was prescribed megestrol to stop my bleeding and it stopped next to ONE pill! good luck

I havent gotten my monthlys for months presently and please Im not pregnant?

pl don't do it. why to risk. with smaller quantity advantage. pl forget in the order of it even if medicines are available. you will repent when you are married.

I'm have my period every two weeks.Is this mundane?

Getting on "The Pill" is a well-known method, which women adjectives over the world do.
Without the pill?
.... how can you tamper or play with a complex system programmed by God?

God understand: if you don't visit the holy place, He won't acquire wild next to you!
Relax, and everything will happen as per His plan.

Will my time start soon?

Periods can be stopped using Birth control pills. You are risking yourself, take a look at the varied side effects.

The benefits of taking the birth-control pill, aside from its almost l00% effectiveness within preventing pregnancy, are: less menstrual flow and cramping, lower risk of infection of the uterus and ovaries, a decrease chance of developing ovarian cysts and non-cancerous breast cysts and tumors, smaller number ovarian cancer and uterine cancer, less rheumatoid arthritis, and it may raise acne.

About 40% of women who take birth-control pills will enjoy side effects of one kind or another during the first three months of use. The huge majority of women have solely minor, transient side effects. Some of these side effects are: light bleeding between menstrual period, skipped periods, nausea, shipment change, bloating, increase in vaginal infections. Although it is difficult to predict whether a woman will develop one of these minor problems, a problem can regularly be eliminated by shifting to a different birth-control pill. A spotty darkening of the skin on the frontage may appear and may be permanent.

The most serious side effect associated next to the birth-control pill is a greater chance of blood clots, stroke and heart attack. These problems come to pass in one and only a small number of women who filch the pill. Women who have the most risk of developing these problems are women who smoke, are over thirty-five and women near other health problems such as diabetes, illustrious blood pressure, heart or vascular disease or blood cholesterol and triglyceride abnormalities. Other serious side effects are worsening of migraine headache, gall bladder disease, increase in blood pressure and an extremely few and far between liver tumor. Some birth-control pills may cause change in the level of fatty substances in the blood.

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