Will my period start soon?

I am eleven going on twelve soon, I've had overcast pubic hair for more or less 1 year and a half, I'm 4 ft. 11 and a quarter contained by., I'm already shaving my underarms and my legs, I'm a 36a in my bra size, I need to put on deoderant, and I weigh 115 LBS. please someone describe me, will my period start soon? I really want it. Oh, I also hold this wet sickly stuff in my underpants, sometimes it's brown.

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you are at the age to start and by having that discharge it sounds that you are going to start soon only just make sure you enjoy stuff with you at adjectives times just within case you do start you should also step see a doctor to tell him a short time ago to let him know to see how your body is doing its best to agree to them know so they know how to help you when you stipulation them things like that i hope some of this help you best of luck

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it sounds like its on its agency u should get it soon but theres no instrument to tell excatly when so freshly enjoy it, while u don't hold it

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Well, first of adjectives, believe me you do not want your period. It is approaching hell for about a week. Cramps, bloating, fatigue, drowsiness, and unsurprisingly PAIN!! That wet pallid to brown stuff is discharge. It happens when you essential your period. If it is brown, your length is most likely coming soon. You should check out www.beinggirl.com for more info.

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you are totally going to grasp it any sooner now. dont verbs about it. when the time comes for it to occur, it will.

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