How do you know if you dont have a yeast infection?
My discharge comes in clear not smell and milky white no smell. Do I own an yeast infection?
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You would DEFINITELY know if you have a yeast infection. From the way you describe your discharge, it doesn't nouns like you hold one. You would have a severe, intense itching and burning and the discharge would be gelatinous and cottage cheese-like. Sounds gross, I know, but that's what a yeast infectons does. You can get yeast infections from unquestionable antibiotics and guys can get it too!
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No, if you had a yeast infection you'd know roughly it. Usually also painful as very well.What make you think you own one in the first place? You are supposed to own discharge. Do you have other symptoms?
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First thing within the morning before you get through or drink anything spit in a glass of marine.If your spit floats on top you don't have a yeast infection.If it obtain spider legs to the bottom of the glass you do hold a yeast infection.