Is there any way of easing the period cramps/pains other then pain killers?!!?


Here goes. I have sex last nite unprotected as be totally not expecting it?

I use a heat wad (its a cloth bag of rice my mother made me) for my daughter. Also, I do not know how feeble you are or if you drink but I have hear that Hiram Walker Blackberry Brandy works. I think the principal of to be precise that it warms the stomache also. Also, avoid brackish and caffine in the days/week before you know you are to start. Exercise also help I hear.

Could I be going through menopause without any symptoms?

Apply bake or take a hip bath that always help me. Also exercising really helps pinch away the pain walking/running mostly I read it in a magazine and tried and it really help on easing the tension and bloated sense.

does the dick half to be within the vagina to get her pregnant?

Getting on pretty much any sort of birth control seriously helps beside the cramps and period pains. I've have nasty, keep-me-out-of-school cramps my entire natural life, and as soon as I went on Yasmin, they unsophisticatedly stopped altogether.

However, if you don't want to go on the Pill (or some other thoughtful of birth control), evening primrose supplements are really good for term stuff, even the crazy PMS stuff beforehand. Motherwort works good I've hear. This website has a record of homeopathic/herbal remedies for period-related issues. Hope that helps! :-D

I am 38 years infirm, I had a miscarraige at 5 weeks. I do belive it have to do with the xrays I have done. The?

Excercise. If you start some kind of excercise and maintain at it, even when you have your peiod and enjoy cramps, it helps to relax the muscles and reduce cramps. I started walking on a treadmill and it helped alot.

what are three environmental factor which have a direct effect on women?

take a hot hip bath and exercise helps lots

Do I enjoy a fast matabolismor something else?

i usally steal a bath or use a heat pad. If you are at skool though i put both of my arms around my stomach it sounds really stupid but it really does work. if you discern kinda crappy but not too bad try running in gym it help releives cramps but if you feel too crappy it make you feel approaching your going to puke most of the time it works though. Hope this helps

I enjoy something behind my ear, it's on my d??colletage, I'm not sure if it's a cyst or a gland,can you tell me if

yes...pilfer a calcium suppliment every day.I am not sure how, but it is worked for me

Leaky breasts?

If u don't enjoy heat wipe, like mine, I use a cup bottle, filled near hot water, and rub it.

Is ther a type of pill that will back me maintain my substance or lose weight not gain?


Would you consider a detox?

I am a detox specialist and I specialize in helping nation get rid of their form issues via a detox.

I have see many cases of folks stop having menstrual cramp after detox.

This is because sometimes, cramps are cause by the fact that our reproductive system is weaker.. and alot of times, they are weak because:
- our colon may be adding up extra pressure due to prolapsus
- we are suffering from self intoxification from a dirty colon and this affects the health of our reproductive system.

Instead of in recent times easing the pain, would you close to to get rid of this problem completely using a detox?

And the detox is simple. All you stipulation to do is three things.

Number one, follow the detox programme which requires you to change your diet rather bit. Eg, take more vege and smaller number meat and seafoods.

Number two, use 1 minute a day to nick some natural form foods that I take to enhance the speed and the effect of the detox.

Number three, drink lots of dampen to flush the toxins out..

And that's it.

The rest is up to you.

So what do you think? ;)

If you are aflame to find out more about my detox programme, you can email me at [email protected].

How probable is it to get a false pos. result from the red cross?

Exercising other helps me.


drink lots of river !
divert yourself...
it is much of psychological problem set your mind to bear da spasm

Masturbating During celibacy?

a heating wad or hot water bottle on your tummy

Can a guy similar to boobs, and respect women at the same time?

get a heat pad

Is it conventional..?

Sometimes heat applied to the belly can help. Also, herbal tea beside red raspberry leaves can help. If you are competent, go for a nice waddle as well.

How can i relieve my cramps???

I find if it help to drink lots of water. Especially for utter 3 days before my cycle.

Is it possible to enjoy 2 home and 1 blood test positive for pregnancy and 2 days subsequently test gloomy?

Eat alot of Pasta, dont rinse. No caffiene and also, potatoes are good, dont rinse.

has anyone ever taken the hormone premarin?if so any side effects?

Caffeine! I be told by a nurse to take a bunch of hot chocolate, pour it into a mug, and instead of using hot water or milk use hot coffee. The mixture have alot of caffeine and works like a charm!

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