Can a guy like boobs, and respect women at the same time?


I am 5 foot 6 and i am 23 years old what is that average bulk for someone like me?

Of course! As long as he doesn't try to clutch the boobies of strange women, or without green light, or if he can't stop himself from making lewd comments about them. I quality like I respect men, even so I admire their assorted body parts. That's the key- admiration. Do you be in awe of a woman's boobs, or do you just sort of devise of them as your property that she's just giving of holding onto for you? If you are respectful in comments and actions, women will in truth encourage you to delight in their bodies.

Girls: Do you find yourself complairing your body to other womens bodies on a daily starting place?

Yeah, but I think it's REALLY firm to.

Why cant I?

If her boobs are a respectable size.


of course.. they do it all the time!

Just have a hysterectomy, drove within 2 weeks, feelin fine, later suddenly felt tired, and blemish hurt!?

I don't see why not.

Can i marry a girl whose father has vitiligo? is it a heriditary? is ther any haphazard of girl geting this desea

no, but at least your honest

Do kegel exercises really work? is in attendance other things besides that?

Yeah, why not?

Please women answer and no rude remarks read below:--?

Uh yeah, the boobs are just an added bonus.

Scared roughly speaking this! (girls only)?

Absolutely- get to know the female first !

Whas going on?

Of course! A woman's body is a beautiful piece. As long as it's not all you fastidiousness about.

Hi im 16 and i started my time of year 3 yrs ago and have single have 3 since its be 10mths without 1,relief!

Yeah...of course

I love boobs, and I have alot of respect for women.

What if a women like my pecs or arms does that mean she doesn't hold respect for me? of course not.

Could I be pregnant?

Sure, as long as the woman have great boobs.

What is a clit?


i have be trying to concieve for 2 month now beside my boyfriend and have not fall pregenant?

Yes. You can admire a woman's breasts, of late don't be obvious roughly speaking it. The big thing is to look the girl surrounded by the eye when you are talking to her.

Is it middle-of-the-road to have clots within menstrual blood?

Sure, why not?

Pill Question?

certainly, your just respecting the boobs too

Vaginal Swelling after Intercourse?

yes its possible. but most guys are perv's roughly boobs. just be more discrete near your love for them and you should be fine. you can like something minus crossing the line.

If you mis the periods(not because of pregnancy), are you really jubilant or unhappy(scared)?


women are supposed to dress in a method that will not make us want to stare at their boobs as it be. The ones that do it are temptresses and are harlots and likely will burn contained by hell.

It is also called witch craft.

How long does vaginal thrush give somebody a lift to clear up and how often does it materialize for a woman in her duration?

That depends. Are the boobs of her, or are boobs mistreating her? Some men are boobs, so liking "man boobs" who mistreat women might be see as disrespectful of women.

Birth Control that won't Lower Libido?

Most certainly, however the boobs assemble more respect than the woman herself

When is the safest time to have sex?

Yeah, logically. Boobs are great. We all close to boobs.
It's like appreciating your best friends toys.

How stessed do you hold to be to miss ur period plz assist?

Well, there is nought wrong per se about enjoy a particular are of a personage's body. We all enjoy a sort of "heightened" attraction to something, for instance, some guys like a woman with nice legs, or round booty (LOL I can't believe I in recent times said that). And women may have a heightened attraction to a guy beside bulging biceps, or bulges "elsewhere" wink wink. We are all different that path. Isn't that great?

I havent goot my period within a while?!?!?

Yes, you should give men for a while more credit.

How do I know if I popped my cherry?

Absolutely not. The two are mutually exclusive. One man cannot serve two masters... or three... whatever.

Sorry, somebody have to be the dissenting voice.


My doctor tells me that I stipulation skin graphing on my breasts after breast reduction surgery. Is this adjectives?

Yes it is all give or take a few how you look at women - as someone simply there to look at as sexual creatures or as superb, sexual, wonderful people...
Chances are if you are looking at breasts and not face you are one of the former not latter..

Protection Failedwhat should I do now?

Yes, obviously we can.

My gf doesn't want to have sex after a clitoral orgasm is it everyday?

I don't see a connection. sycophantic someone for being fine is one thing. respect for their individual, honesty, integrity, intelligence, poise, is another.

Looking for a herbal remedy?

Yes. As long as they are your own! LOL LOL LOL I just have to say this!

What's your body mass index and do you presume you are overweight?

Yes, he can like them and respect woman and her atmosphere too.

why would a 45 year old woman breast grow drug treat roughly?

I think so. I absolutely do, at least. Do women who close to guys with a "nice " not respect guys?

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