Why are guys so unusual nearly period?

Why do guys find periods so disgusting? And why oh why do they surmise that we're whimpy about them (the cramp part)? I focus they need to toughen up for a time.

Answers:    I'm a guy. Its wierd because most of us have never see one, had one or experience one (we are guys...duh!). We enjoy only hear stuff, like blood coming out of ...at hand. We wonder if you feel agony, we just don't know anything in the region of it so we assume the worst about period. That's why we are so weird roughly periods.
I guess its just the certainty of WHERE it comes from. And periods ARE KNOWN for making ppl cranky.. so everyone thinnks they do.. put they really dont. They freshly say what the HEAR My guy isn't odd about period. Actually, I tell him everything just about mine. lol I'm really comfortable talking roughly speaking it but I don't go on and on and on something like it. I'm sure he doesn't care to hear just about it but he doesn't mind.
guys seriosly need to toughen up. they lately cant handle that we stir thru more internal pain than they do.lol its funny how they adjectives say that girls are lacklustre.try giving birth sometime you (a)ssholes.sorry :P Well even as a female I still find them a bit disturbing. You bleed and bleed but still don't die.
I cogitate nearly everything about the womanly anatomy confuses men. Use it to your advantage.
If they meditate it's disgusting then they are green, my boyfriend is fine with it & he take care of me when I'm not impression well. Some boys are only just stupid! Hard to say. It isn't a pretty concept, having blood come from such a sexual nouns. I think it's simply the thought of that itself that gets to them. However, as far as them thinking that you're self a wimp about the cramps, that's only just foolish. Until they've experience pains like that, there's nought they can say. Some men are only just insecure and fools about little things and in recent times won't understand our affliction =) It gets better when they find older and they realize the unharmed function and purpose.

Hope I helped! Best of luck!
Well for one they know when we are on our term we are having PMS and they can't bring any for a few days .. It is human nature to find things we don't fully take to be off-putting. As a man, it is difficult to take in menstruation since we do not experience it. Explain the physical and emotional impact as best you can, and find a guy become fully grown enough to understand/sympathize near what you are going through.
because they are immature i estimate its because it smells and like it precincts people and its just a girl thing so they dont vigilance and when you say it they are close to your problem leave me alone... they dont effort unless the guy is sensitive its okay guys and girls like different things and do and hold different things and a period is newly one of them
its because theyre jealous that they dont hold them.
some guys just entail to grow up.

Men are always unexpected about things they don't get the drift. well i don't know every guy I've be with have been fundamentally understandable going on for them
it depends on the guy. but for the most part its because they donr really know whats it adjectives about and whats really going on. and like mad of guys do wonder a bit about it and if your contained by a relationship with a guy that freshly seems shy nearly it get him more involed update him how you feel next and etc. instead of him just discussion to the guys saying shes totaly pmsing. when you make clear to them stuff and show them stuff they are lot less shy and like mad more understanding. i hold had a couple exs even want me to show them how a tampon works. in a minute some guys dont want to be hands on and would to some extent not know all the details but they are not freeked out by it they still will walk out and buy tampons or pads for at hand woman or something like that. if a guy is one dumb about it objective all disgusted close to you see in some movies after they are probably young and obligation to grow up Well it's because blood is coming out of your whowho. And the thought of blood coming out of my whowho scares me (guy). Any ways girls find cranking when they have one so we stay away.
Uhhh, nobody wishes someone bleeding on them.

I don't think that's person weird.
All I enjoy to say is they are the wimps. We hold to go through hell every single month.

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