Dose sex hurt? How do i participate?

I want to have sex beside my boyfriend...but im a virgin and im a little worried. Dose it hurt? How do i contribute in it? Hes not a virgin, that i know, but i expect we really love each other. He said he'd dawdle until i was equipped, and i think im organized, but im just not sure. abet?

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If you are not prepared for sex, you can experience some discomfort your first time. Make sure you take it slow, and you own plenty of foreplay ahead of time. That will relax you and get your inbred lubrication going. Ask your boyfriend how he likes to be touched, and don't be afraid to enlighten him what you like or don't close to.

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yes it does hurt but depending on the girl.
mine be more of a disconfort.
If your ready after you will know you are ready. If he really loves you later he will wait till you know 100% that you are arranged. Afterwards if it does hurt you take a hot hip bath. when you do have sex ask him to organize you and to show you what to do.

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How old are you? If you're extremely young, you will not product the right decision because you own to have some experience to really know what you're doing. The first time it will hurt but that's not the worst that will surface. You can get sick, you can acquire pregnant, you can get traumatized, you can seize into all sorts of trouble. Having sex is something you shouldn't do if you're not sure and you won't be sure until you're aged enough. Why don't you put in the picture your mother what's on your mind? At least sermon to a nurse or wait till you procure sex education surrounded by your school or something similar to that.

Ok what EXACTLY should you do if you accidentally inhale bathroom cleaners / bleach?

If. You. Have. Sex. You. Will. Get. Pregnant. And. Die.
Muah ha ha ha ha!

I had unprotected sex, my time came but it be light, and contained by two days it was gone could i be pregnant?

If you're not sure, you're unqualified to have sex. You also nouns too young. Just because you hold a boyfriend, does not mean you enjoy to have sex. Not everyone does.

And, yes, it does hurt the first time when you're a virgin.

The longer you dally, the less it will hurt.

I have a UTI and went to the doctor. They tested my urine, can they discover pregnancy by analysing urine?

Before you hold sex, you need to find out if he a virgin or not, Then you both entail to be tested for STD's at a clinic. then, yes, it will hurt, due to the breaking of Hymen, inside of the vagina. It wont alst long but hte first insertions and thrusting will hurt, until it is finshed near pain, consequently you will be fine. Jus dont make a mistake, by thinking you love him. Make sure everythign is angelic, It is best to wait. You dont want any regrets or any humiliation out of this.

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