My friend is not sure what to do..?

My best friend who is 23 just found out she have a miscarriage, she had her term this month, but it was outstandingly strange and heavy, lots of clots etc...I incited her to go to the doctor when she be spotting after her period be suppose to end. Anyway the doctor estimated she be only 2 weeks along and she lost it due to stress, luckily she dosent want a d/c. she is very is my put somebody through the mill, she of course have to tell her boyfriend, but her parents hold no clue she is sexually active. Should she transmit them, she is not sure what to do and is completely lost.

Vaginal itching?

She does not have to make clear to her parents. If her boyfriend didn't know she was pregnant contained by the first place, she does not have to report to him unless they are very serious and/or be trying to have a infant. She is allowed to keep this to herself unless she wishes to tell associates. It sounds like you are a great friend, she is lucky to enjoy you.

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If she requests the added comfort of her parents, then yes. If her parents aren't the giving of people who would know and be sympathetic, then no.

I would definately suggest your friend call round

and research a better method of birth control. If she becomes pregnant again and doesn't miscarry or abort, she won't be capable of hide it from her parents.

Girlfriends! what do u prefer?

If I be her, I would not tell my parents. With what you said, I construe it as even though she is a grown adult they do not consent of her sexual buzz? Telling them she had a miscarriage would put more stress on her mind and body than she already have. Not to mention the distance she might put between herself and her parents. She should just be more practical in the adjectives (especially now since she is enormously fertile) until she is ready to enjoy a child. Miscarriages are one of the mysteries of the world and no one know the real root why they happen. Stress can remarkably well be why they begin, but God has his own plans and this pregnancy freshly wasn't meant to be carried to residence. Let her know she didn't do anything to "cause" this, and if she is trying or will be in the future, bring up to date her not to think this be her fault. Good luck to her and hope she is doing okay.

Antibiotics and the Dianette pill?

no why relay them if nothings wrong ro going to happen

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