Trichonomas disease will it cause a woman to be infertitle?

My fren was detected to own contracted trichonomas when she was ask to lug a urine test then she was ask to rob a pap smear but the nurse called to right to be heard that the pap smear is normal. The incident ensue 5 years ago after the medication she has be trying to conceive till nw she has not be pregnant any advice?

Does LevLite own any bad side effects?

If disappeared untreated, then trichomonas can be a contributing factor to problems conceiving. If the trichomonas be diagnosed and treated promptly, then it's probably not the use your friend is having trouble getting pregnant. Also a woman can hold a normal pap smear and still hold a vaginal infection. The pap is testing for anomalous cells within the cervix but a vaginal culture is needed to identify bacteria. If she have been have unprotected intercourse for 6-12 months without nouns, then it's time to consider seeing an infertility specialist who will charge numerous diagnostic tests on the woman and her partner. That instrument, they will have a much better notion of why they're not getting pregnant. Hope this helps.

Always feminine pad.?

not to my knowledge. nick that for what it is worth.
about a dollar. I'd influence 99% of cases this wouldn't be true, and would have another factor involved.

but i ponder healthcare pro. will back me up. I hope.

im my sisters guardian and i inevitability help!?

Trichomonas Can organize to subfertility & is associated more with missed abortions & Abortions surrounded by 2nd trimester. TORCH Test ( a blood test is done to detect the presence of Trichomonas ,rubella Chlmydia & Herpes antibody titre indicating infection. which may be responsible for infertility & subfertility & mid tem abortions. If the trichomoas titre is illustrious a long course of antibiotic vivamycin is given for safe subsequent pregnancy. Ther may be other causes of infertility .A compelte investigation including both husband & wife r indispensable for finding the cause & so the treatment.

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