Scared about this! (girls only)?

i'm scared i'm going to enjoy my period at conservatory. i use pads and my subsequent period (which i be supposed to start this weekend) i want to start using tampons. the reason is because at conservatory i don't carry a purse, i convey a big bag that have all of my binders and books in it. I can't give somebody a lift the WHOLE bag to the bathroom during class, and it's impossable to move about to the bathroom during the passing period without man late to my subsequent class. if i have tampons consequently i can slip one out of my bag and bear it to the bathroom. since pads are bigger it wouldn't work in need everyone seeing. but i haven't started using tampons i'm anxious if i start during school i own to use a pad and modification it during school. i be suppposed to start this weekend. does anyone have some suitable advice for my situation?

Weight loss tips please.?

Keep them contained by a small pouch that looks like a bodily processes bag and if you own to go during class, clutch only that beside you- all the guys will in recent times think you're doing the typical girl item and doing your makeup and all the girls won't effort because they have to matter with it too.

Either that or basically suck it up and get a purse- nobody's going to wonder why you're taking your purse to the bathroom. you wouldn't want to depart from it unattended!

does no oestregen in your body tender you a low sex drive?

ok, just maintain a pad on adjectives day long starting very soon, and don't worry in the region of it , oh and wear dark colored pant. Dont let your peiod be surrounded by the way of your time!!

How did you feel,when you go to the "docter"?

The best advice I can administer is when first starting with tampons, choose one that say junior size or slender size, and the directions u get beside the products will show you in detil how to use. Also I would suggest using a panty liner or mini wipe also while using tampoms to avoid the embarrasment of leaks.

How do i convince my mother.?

The tampon should fit in your pocket, or you can newly put them, in ur big backpack, and slip one out when you have to use the bathroom. You loose change it every 4-6 hours depending on your flow, so you should be okay to use them during skool. When you gotta go, ya gotta go, and so what if sumone sees it, that lately shows that ur maturing quicker than most people. You should be proud going on for it not shy. Good Luck!

Wut is douche anyway?

OMG im so glad i havent started my peroid yet but u sure hang on to me scared of it serouisly thogh i reason even though i dont have any expereicnce near that thing it would be sooooo embarring to start in skool escpecially individual new to tampons so i have an idea that you should just convey a purse around with u alllllllll the time and embezzle it with u everywhere similar to its ur cellphone or somethin and like ucant survive minus it by ur side and just be in motion ask your teacher if you can use the bathroom during class and carry a hall exceed and if she says no after give her the look approaching imm gonna pee on myself if u dont let me progress right now and read aloud i have to run realllllllllllllly badly
and if its still no next just check out of and if ur mom or dad ask just put in the picture them that u reallly had to step and the teacher waas man a butt
it should work i hope

Are there any exercise or pills to trademark my vagina tighter?

(I've been doing this adjectives week) Put on a pad contained by the morning and if you're comfortable with it, take a tampon and panty liner. If you start your period and the wipe gets drenched or w/e, you can only just put in the tampon. *bring the directions beside you!* Maybe if you don't want to start on tampons yet, you should start carrying a small purse.

Sanitary belts: I chew over I found out why they are so popular lately. Do you want to know?

I would start learning how to use tampons asap if I be you. You can learn from the directions on the box. My daughter who is 13 knowledgeable on her own and very slickly too . But if you have started or have a sneaking suspicion that you are going to wear a pad and put one within your locker at school that method you can sneak out and get it when everyone is within class . I hope this helps , bet of luck to you ! : )

the doctor cant even assistance me?

try using a tmapon at home. if i works on you, bring it to school, if it dosen't use a wad

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