How long does vaginal thrush take to clear up and how often does it occur for a woman in her life?


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It all depends on if it is treated, in theory yeast infections in most cases will clear themselves up if the vagina is otherwise healthy and symmetry of healthy flora is not overly artificial by whatever contributed to the yeast infection to inaugurate with – the vagina is vastly good at self-cleaning.

Theoretically a few days to a week, next to or without treatment, assuming it is not a more serious infection or a reoccurring infection where on earth the vaginal flora has be dramatically affected – i.e. too out of harmonize to right itself, needing a helping foot - in which overnight case a lot longer and more opening of reoccurring infections.

It is considered a serious problem if a woman has more than 4 yeast infections in a year, around 5% of women will own this problem, so I'd estimate on average perhaps 2 yeast infections per year.

Taking into sketch women with HIV, diabetes, women using hormonal birth control, or pregnant women. Also taking into description that most women have desperate vaginal health due to wash themselves with soap, using tampons or similar issues that contribute outstandingly to yeast infections. It is more common during a woman's childbearing years as ably.

So really it depends on the woman, her physical health and how she care for her vaginal health, yeast infections are the second most occurring vaginal infection so the number of times an average woman will catch a yeast infection like thrush is reasonably high.

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I never heard a vaginal yeast infection call that. With proper medical treatment, it should clear in a few days. As to the number of times a woman have it, that varies tremendously.

Omg I have,..?

Go to the doctors to win it cleared up and it will go inside days usually, altho it depends on how bad a dose you hold! There are ways to avoid getting it, eg dont use soap down there, dont wear tight clothing, wear cotton etc. You can go and get it many times within your life, as I ponder it can also be affected by hormones.

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i have this when i was pregnant within 2/3 pregnancies. a bit of canesten soughted me!

Has this happened??

I muse it depends on each woman individually, I've never have it but my sister suffered from it frequently during her pregnancy, and my best friend has it a heck of profusely, with the proper treatment it clears within a week to a fortnight, I did hear however that if it's the first time you have it you should see a doctor to rule out STD's next to similar symptoms, but after that buying over the counter treatments from a pharmacy is fine.
ttfn ;o)

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dat be unadulterated nasty me hopes u be economically soon

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You really need to obtain something from your doctor or chemist to treat Thrush with. In the UK, Canesten is the best particular treatment. You can get it on prescription or over the counter from the Pharmacist. It comes any in an oral capusle form or a cream and pessary (which you insert into the vagina next to an applicator which looks like a cigarette holder!!). That usually clears it up surrounded by about a week at most.

I don't know how long Thrush take to clear up if left untreated - to be honest its so objectionable and uncomfortable and irritating that I lately get it treated ASAP!

As for how regularly it occurs, that vary. I went through a stage of have it every single month, and tests revealed that it be simply part of my menstrual cycle - the change in my hormones be triggering it every month! Horrible! Luckily, the monthly attacks stopped when I got pregnant. I enjoy only have it once since then, when the weather be very hot.

Hot weather is a unconditional trigger for me.

Some women never have it, or solitary have a couple of times contained by their lives, but others are martyrs to it.

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Apparently use natural yoghurt down here.Avoid man made -undies like nylon; and tights,and dont wear trousers that are too tight.Women can use ph floating washes instead of soap,which can be drying and too rigorous;then stick on 'caneston 'from chemist (cream),or insert a 'caneston 'pessary

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it can thieve a week to clear up and mine comes ever time i have antibiotics or wear man made bran knickers

Can anyone help?

If you walk to the chemist and ask for a tube of canasten cream , apply 2-3 times daily until adjectives symptoms have gone, this should with the sole purpose be roughly 4-5 days depending how bad it is.

As for how recurrently you can get it I go through a stage of having it almost constantly later nothing for years. Thrush is extremely adjectives so don't be embarrassed.

Hope this help.
(don't put off going to the chemist you won't regret it.)

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