I had my tubes tied over 7 years ago but, now i can feel something move inside and i other systoms.?

I want to know if I could be pregnant in my tubes?

2 question! girls/women only plz!?

Absolutely you could be pregnant. See your gyno. Tube tieing is solitary 98.3% effective. An egg can sometimes go and get through. My sister got pregnant near her tubes tied. I say again.see your gyno. Also tubal pregnancies are terribly dangerous for the mother. And if your idea movement..you could be quite far along. This is not something you want to thieve lightly.

why do my fingers dance numb in my departed hand?

Go to the gyno ASAP

How can I gain my period stern?

Have you been have your period? If not you could be pregnant. It is possible if the procedure be not done correctly.

Butterfly excersisegirls only?

if your tubes be only tied and not cut or clipped next you could be have a examination to find out
good luck

Girl pl abet?

When was your second period amd what other symptoms are you have? It is very possible to take pregnant after having your tubes tied, not with the sole purpose a pregnancy in your tube but one contained by your uterus where it's supposed to be. Please stir see your Doctor ASAP. If you had a tubal pregnancy, the fetus would not return with big enough for you to surface moving..the tube would burst long before that. Good luck

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