What does having a pimple on your lip means?
This morning, I woke up and saw a tiny pimple on the line of my upper lip. This is the first time I ever have that. I don't think it's a cold sore because it's not hurting me. However, I want to fashion sure that's only a pimple. So what is it?
Pimple or blackhead try warmness to open the porn and verbs dont try to pop might cause scarring around lip stripe. Thats what happened to me.
How long do your breasts grow for?!?!?!?
herpescould be a cold sore.which is a type of herpes.cold sores don't start out hurting you.they grow and after a few days hurt close to the dickens..
Please help me i dont know what to do?
It ability I'm running the other way, vigorous!Missed periods..what is run of the mill?
Sh*t bud, you've got cancer :(Is here any way of easing the time of year cramps/pains other then aching killers?!!?
I enjoy no idea what it is. sounds close to just a pimple. bestow it a few days to see if it'll go away and if it doesn't later I would get more suggestion concerning what it might be.lol
what sp1n4ch said
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Does it tingle? If so it's a cold sore. A pimple can show up any where on your body. Just don't pick at it. They disappear on their own. Of course if your vane, you might want to try white tooth blend. It will dry it up and bam.gone. don't forget to wash it sour before going out in public .it shows up whiter when dried :)Its gross.
It means you enjoy a pimple.
Has anyone had a breast augmentation and what be the outcome.?
Either one or the other, a pimple or a cold sore. Keep an eye on it and for the mean time only make sure your frontage stays clean. I know when I wore lip comment on I got more pimples appearing on my lip vein.What is my birth control doing to me?
according to face feng shui, that a blemish within the lip area suggests hardship around your wealth for the subsequent 7 - 14 days. so watch out..