Honest Answer?

I want to have my extent b4 I go on vacation- I don't know what to do! I don't want it when I am on vacation because I be kicking it wit my homeboy!!

My friend nees..?

Oh, yeah, i.e. a great idea: horse around near birth control pills without the qualified direction and consent of a licensed medical doctor.

This is *precisely* why [people] who post medical advice should be not permitted.

To answer your question, though, you'll catch your period when you carry your period. Oh, and you'll be kicking what, exactly?

About how much does a surgery for a Cysts in 1 ovary?

theres zilch you can do but take a b control pill that will backing you to take control over your extent -- i dont remember how but it does work that way - you can control what days you want to own it or something good luck -

What do ya'll conjecture about the cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil?

Are you on birth control? Stop taking your pills precipitate or skip the reminder pills and start a new pack right away. It's singular okay to do that once in a long while. If you're not on the pill afterwards you can hang around other girls who are on their term. That always throws me past its sell-by date.

Cloudy, unpleasant smelling urine.?

When do you go on leave?

The only "trick" I can narrate you is to go on birth control pills and extend the time up to that time you have your length by not taking the blank pills.

If you are already on the pill then do equal thing. Do not pinch the blank pills this month, continue on to a hot pack.

Is sex actually angelic for your vagina?

I thought "kicking it" usually just expected hanging out.. but I don`t know I'm out of date... You can do anything on your time of year that you can off of it.

If you tight-fisted you want to have sex next to him... then of late do it!! Period sex isn't the worst thing surrounded by the world. Take a nice shower, lay down a towel and go at it! Or shift at it in the shower! Lots of general public do it all the time.

Do any other girls here delight in having near butt tickled with a fork?

I would hail as up your doc. & not try to change your cycle on your own in need medical advice. You BC pills affect your hormones & are drugs & will affect your cycle contained by the future.
Bleeding is a automatic part of human being a woman & if he hasn't experience it, it's time.

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