Finger is infected!?

Infected Finger?
My Ring finger on my right hand have a hang pin that got infected just about 5 months ago and I lost the nail and have to go on antiboitics for the infection. It cleared up for a bit next went stern to being adjectives goopy again and i went to the doctor and she said it be going to happen becuase when the fastener tries to grow back. Well the closing two weeks its gone right back to one all gross again. Its swollen and the top sector of my finger is purple and all sore again. This morning when I get up it was adjectives crusty and i squeezed it and it started bleeding and a whole bunch of pus come out and has be all year. I've been putting Polysporin on it, penlac, the tropical cream i be given 5 months ago, tea tree oil, and hydrogen peroxide on it trying to produce it better and its hurting more and more when i put stuff on it. All my other fingers are cold and my ring finger is really really hot ... bad sign? What should I do

hi adjectives, can you please tell me does it really hurt when you hold sex for the first time ?

You need to gain some medical attention ASAP! When you get an infection in an extremity which you visibly have beside all that pus, the infection can spread remarkably quickly to your bloodstream. You requirement antibiotics fast.

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ER. aparently your doctor knows nil.

10yr daughter is having spasm her n hip area and vanished leg walking funny had x-rays growing pains? Limb girddle?

You should send for your MD up again and explain the situation. All the over the counter stuff probably won't do you any good. It sounds approaching you probably need oral and topical antibiotics.

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Sounds approaching it is still infected. Go see another Doctor.

When I lost my big toe nail it didn't catch goopy when it grew back.

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go to the doctor! immeadiatly!

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You should walk to the doctor and just to know what is going on. Good luck near that finger!!

I'm a mother of 2, the problem is while having sex near my husband this unpleasant smell come out why?

If it's still just a paronychia, it may single require warm compresses, but drainage may support. If deeper tissues are infected, you could need more. Consult your physician again.

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