How old were you when you started shaving? is 11 to young?

Answers:    i started about 11 or 12. It just depend on how long your hair is getting and if it bothers you. If you want to shave it, shave it..
No, not at all too young. I am extremely fair-skinned, but the hair on my legs is black. By the time I was 11, it was also long. When I wore white nylon knee socks, the hair would bunch up in clumps under the socks, and my socks always looked dirty because of these dark smudges. It was a HUGE battle with my mother to be allowed to start shaving my legs and believe me, that was one of the stupidest things for her to be hard-headed about.

My own daughter is a redhead and the hair on her legs is gold, nearly invisible. But, like mine, it got long. So for her 11th birthday, I bought her an electric shaver and even had it charged up so that when she opened it, it was ready to use. No arguments, no fights.

If a girl is self-conscious about her leg and underarm hair at 11, then by all means she should be allowed to shave..
I started at eight. I was really hair and everybody kept saying that. No , eleven is not to young. The average girl starts to shave between the ages of 11-14. Use electric shavers. Shaving is another part of growing up and becoming more of a young lady.

There are alot of myths like if you shave it will become thicker ,darker, and grow faster. That's not true but some people think that.

Shaving you legs is just to be more attractive to the opposite sex..
I was 12 and I had light blond hair but it was kinna thick and it embarrassed me. I think if something bothers you you should fix it rather than obsess. If not shaving is going to give you a complex and keep you from wearing shorts etc. shave if it's cool with your mom and you are able to safely and correctly do so. Waxing is also a great option if you have a friend, sister, or mom willing to help. it all depends on you if you are wearing shorts and capries and its showing and looks bad then do it. if its cause black hairs are comming in and you don't like it shave it. I did and still do, it tends to make rashes and bad smells.

but back to legs if its light and blond don't worry if its dark then go for it,. still I think 11 is a little young to be shaveing legs. .
Ya know, i didn't start till i was 13 cuz my mom wouldn't let me but i really wanted to. I don't think it's too young... as soon as you're in junior high go for it. However, i hope you mean your legs, cuz 11 is wayyy to young to start shaving anywhere else. I started at 11, but i kinda regret it, it is a hassle. but i had really dark hair so it looked better after. it is all personal choice. just make sure your hair is really wet, and that you change the blade as soon as it gets dull.
yes, you should wait until you're at least 12.. I started when I was 13. Wait until your underarm hair is fully grown in, and same with you're legs. ya i started at 12 shaveing MY LEGS and its a pain in the *** so i started using nair it smells and feels like burning hair no jk :P.
nope i started at 11
im 12 now going into seventh grade.
now i cant live without shaving
but beware
it will grow faster, longer and darker
(i think youre talking about shaving legs... right).
Depends on the person, i started around your age, so if you think you need to then no it isnt too young. I think I was like 14...I would have shave a little earlier like maybe 13...wait till you're twelve...once you start is hard to not shave...but the hair will grow fast..and thickkk.
I was twelve. I guess it just depends on how hairy your legs are and what you're doing. well 11 is ok but it may hut and feel weird when you shave at a young age
Legs- 12
Down there- uhhh... Im to young.. .
i think i was around that age when i started shaving my legs. you're ok No its not too young. I was 11.
dont shave cause your hair will grow much thicker and u will have more hair depends on where O.O.
13..i guess it all depends if you have unwanted hair.. I think you should shave when your hairy. lol

i started shaving my legs when I was 12, but 11's not too young!!

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