Im itching like crazy down there!help?

Is it a yeast infection?..but i dont have any of the other symptoms..


It could be. It could be from a hormonal loose change, birth control if you are on any, bacterial infection ect. You can go take Vagisil and see if it helps or an over the counter yeast infection cream or suppository and see if it help. But you may want to consult your doctor to make sure it's zilch more than a yeast infection.

Ladies please help. my breasts are incredibly sore?

did u shave just this minute? lol, irritation can lead to some crazy itching attacks.

(read at own risk may be gross) FOR GIRLS?

sometimes you freshly need to gain "vagisil". Try that and see if it works. Its for feminine itching.

ladies , is it meaning that man's body does not thing for you?

go and wash yourself thoroughly. Sometimes for a while soap residue can cause itching. If it doesn't amend, start thinking about candidiasis or yeast infection.

Hey ladies have anyone had problems down near in our privates beside the Barthion Gland?

If you wanna know if it's a yeast infection go to a doctor. Better to be safe and sound than sorry. If it's yeast you need a candida cleanse, along near parasite, colon, liver and gallbladder cleanses. these cleanses will flush your system out entirely and kill yeast.

Retained products after 2 D&C and replies to your answers?

Try taking day by day showers

Why do sun brunt's only hurt at hours of darkness time ?

############ more will cure that problem right up.

Personal body issue?

Certain pad brands can produce itching, too. Sometimes you only win one symptom, so you should go achieve checked.

Computer game lend a hand!?!?

Yeast infection is one of the causes of vaginal itchiness. Sometimes, it appears next to or without frothy vaginal discharge. Maybe it would be better if you consult an OB-GYNE for your satchel for earlier treatment.

You can also see this article: which discusses some cause of vaginal infections, in which itchiness is one of its manifestation.

Can pregnancy be possible?

hun, see your doctor. could be alot of things. its better to see a doctor so you wont enjoy to worry. worthy luck!

Always tired?

It's a skin irritation, you need some Curash powder, it have zinc in it and will clear it up quickly, put it on day after day and use some hydrozil cream as well, it works wonderful.

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