Is it normal to have white fluid secrete form my breast.Im not pregnant and or have any health problems.?

Im 17 years old, stirring and dont have any breast niggle.Any information will be help full.

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I am a mammographer and I enjoy never heard of white nipple discharge human being a sign of something serious. Here is what I found:

"Nipple discharge is fairly adjectives in women and it's immaculately healthy — it's the body's opening of keeping the nipple ducts open. Women who embezzle birth control pills may have this discharge. It can surface during sexual arousal and at certain times during the menstrual cycle. Some guys also own nipple discharge. It may look like impressively thin milk, or it may be clear, grayish, feathery green, or light washed out.

However, if the discharge changes, have pus or blood in it, or if it is brownish surrounded by color, visit your clinician — this can be a sign of an infection.

It is big to keep nipples verbs by washing next to warm marine and soap so the discharge won't dry and build up."

" It is scary to suddenly see nipple discharge. At your age, to own a drop of milky discharge come out of a nipple is not uncommon. Yes, it is almost other normal surrounded by the sense that it rarely indicates any serious disorder.
The milky fluid is produced by milk glands in the breast when they are stimulated and could be cause by a number of possible things. Pregnancy is the most adjectives cause unsurprisingly, because the breasts are intended to produce milk for the baby. Some milk may be notice even if a pregnancy ends early after a few weeks, such as after a miscarriage or abortion. Hormone stimulation during the hormone surges of puberty is another frequent effect, and likely to be the foundation in your overnight case. This is transient and disappears on its own.

Many medications can stimulate the areas of the brain that result in nipple discharge (galactorrhea), including antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, anti-hypertensives, and hormonal drugs like contraceptives. Street (illegal) drugs such as marijuana and amphetamines enjoy also been associated. The catalogue is long. If you are on any medication, ask your doctor if this could be a possible side effect.

Friction from tight clothing (jogger’s nipple) or physical stimulation from rubbing can cause nipple discharge. Rarely endocrine and other disorders that affect hormone production can result in persistent galactorrhea. However at your age nipple discharge is not a sign of breast cancer so don’t be frightened.

Most imagined the discharge will resolve soon. If it continues, or if you have found other unusual change in your breasts or body, or if your menstrual period have become irregular or stopped, or if you own any concerns, then gross an appointment with your strength professional for a check up."

Period! can I get a touch help from the ladies?

No, this isn't average. Please tell your mom and see your kith and kin doctor about it.

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Have you EVER be pregnant. I had my son 5 yrs ago & one of my breast still have milk & the bad element was I didn't even breast nurture him!! The doctors just update me it happens sometimes so if you've ever be pregnant it might just be one of those things

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I have a secretion, but solely when applying pressure. I am not currently pregnant and was concerned so I asked my OB/GYN nearly the problem. She stated that as long as there are no lumps, no soreness, and the secretion is consistent next to both breasts, there is nought to worry something like. I have have this "problem" for almost 4 years now.

However, I am 35, not 17, plus I hold had a child. You should enjoy your mother accompany you to your doctor. Best wishes.

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This is completely ordinary. I have included a couple of excerpts from the interconnect listed below that I suppose will be helpful to you.

Some women experience discharge intermittently throughout their lives. If your prolactin level are normal, and you enjoy no other physiologic abnormalities, afterwards this could be normal for you.

Birth control pills can sometimes be the wreak of bilateral breast discharge as the hormones they contain stimulate the breast tissue. Speak to the gyn who prescribes your contraceptives about this symptom. There may be other hormonal cause that need to be investigated.

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I would advise you to see a doctor as this is not run of the mill.
It could be sign of infection.

Women's only (please?

I deliberate it is normal possibly during your menstural cycle but you should have it checked out to be sure, better safe and sound than sorry

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dont know call your pcp

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Yes it is usual caused by sex hormones. As long as you dont own any breast pain or excessive amount, it is conventional.

Is there any spray or lotion to increase the breast as without delay as possible?

Hi ,

This can be caused by elevated level of prolactin , a hormone produced in the brain. I know because i had elevated prolactin and the doc kept asking if i have what you were describing. It could be the end in of something more serious , just capture it checked out too make sure.

Good luck

Sore breasts, of late wondering what could be the casue? WOMEN ONLY!?

thats called milk u don't hold to be pregnent to have breast milk newly squees it or sumthing like that if u want flat breast

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