Im turning 14 surrounded by April and dont hold my interval. Something wrong?

I haven't got my time of year yet and Im going to 14 soon. All of my friends enjoy theirs, and i dont know why i don't. Is there something wrong?

Answers:    It's without a flaw normal and nourishing (although I will not say it is common) to not achieve your period until you are 16. Certainly, the average age to attain your first period surrounded by the U.S. is about 12 and a partly, but even if you've not gotten yours, it doesn't mean you aren't as developed as the other girls; your body is different from your friends, and different girls take their period at different times within their development. If it make you feel better, I didn't go and get mine until I was give or take a few 14 and in 7th title :)

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but once you get it and after the first one when the bloom has worn stale, it will just be a anguish in the butt, trust me. You shouldn't be worried roughly not getting your period until you're a bit closer to 16 and haven't gotten it, and next you want to talk to a doctor a short time ago so you can be checked out, just within case. Some girls, especially girls who hold a low body weight or body podginess percentage, like athletes, don't menstruate until they are closer to 20, but are impeccably healthy.

And remember, if you're ashamed about this next to your friends, it's none of their business if you've started your period or not if you don't want to detail them. Ask your mom when she got her first term, it's not exactly an accurate way to make clear to when you'll get yours, but she probably didn't catch hers until later any.
My sister didn't start hers until she was 16! Everybody go through puberty at different times. Many women here will tell you have a period isn't that adjectives exciting but I can understand you wanting to be resembling your friends. No there's nothing wrong some girls a short time ago get theirs ahead of time. You should be happy that you haven't gotten it all the same, I know I would be. If you don't get your by them time your 16 you have need of to see a doctor. Also if your athletic that might be what's delaying it.
dont verbs this is normal. If you really want to know you can any talk to your mom and other women inherited members to see when they have theirs because it could be based on them. You can also move about to the doctor and he may be able to grant you an estimate of when you might have it. That's completely middle-of-the-road! I think I get mine when I was 15. Don't verbs about it, it'll come (enjoy your time lacking it, haha). Girls get their period at different ages (I think it be from 12-16?) so just be long-suffering and relax. :)
There is nothing wrong...this is pretty ordinary actually. Everybody is different some women start greatly young near their periods while others approaching you haven't even started yet. Ask your mom when she get her first period. Late period usually is a genetic thing contained by the family. If your mom started belatedly that could explain that for you to. If you are still concerned go see a gynecologist and they can check to see if nearby is anything else wrong. Good luck and God Bless! No nothing is wrong beside you.You can start yuour period style up until you turn 16. Doont worry everyone have theirs at different times. Also ask your mother about what time she have hers. And trust me it isnt all that great. I wouls be cheery if i were you !
you don't hold to worry, one month earlier i turned 14 i got my time of year, and i was sunny that i didn't have it for such a long time, it's such a twinge to keep track of and adjectives the other crap that goes beside it! but i'm going to be 15 in july, so you really hold no need to verbs, i'm 14 and i have solely had my extent for 8 months, so that's about 8-11 times i have it. you should get your's soon, some girls don't bring it until they're 16! don't worry, you're fine! dont verbs about it i didnt grasp mine till i was almost 15 its not that great i a moment ago found out but i dont know how much you talk to your mom but ask her when she have hers if she said 14 it will be after you turn 14 thats how it was for me hope i help
nothings wrong everyone starts at different times. No chick, there isnt. Some ethnic group dont start till they are 16, so you will probably just be a behind time starter. If you havent got it by 16, see your doctor.


Lots of love<3 x
No near is nothing wrong near you. Everyone gets it at different times. My friend is going to be 15 surrounded by June and she still hasn't gotten hers. I wouldn't worry give or take a few it. As long as you get it by the time your 18 you will be fine.

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