Women's only (please?

I, have a examine you see i'm going to the beach surrounded by about 2 days and i started my length last week this its my 8 sunshine with my length and it hasnt stop so i really want to enjoy the the deep and the pools from where i'm going beside some friends is there anyway i can net my period stop allready. and no i dont use tps or how ever they are called

What is A Pap Smear Test?

First sour, your period should be over by very soon and you might want to talk to a form care professional.. And second, if you are still on your interval when you go, you inevitability to get yourself some tampons. They aren't discouraging, they are soooo much cleaner and more sanitary. There is always a risk of TSS, but it is VERY dying out. I would recommend the slim fits or light days, and loose change frequently to prevent any chance of TSS. At first you might discern uncomfortable, but next you won't even notice. If it hurts, try again... sometimes it simply goes surrounded by wrong. Have fun at the beach, and pious luck with that extent girl!

Endometrial Ablation and D&C?

Go to the GYN & get a pill. He or she can make available you medication that will help you stop.

My mother found a lump within her breast. I'm scared.?

there is no road that u can stop it like that...u will hold 2 use a tampon if u r planning 2 get within the water..

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it will help u

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