What are the major vitamins you should take everyday?

I am a 22 year old feminine and I have be taking a multivitamin, folic acid, and canola grease capsules. Is within anything else that I am missing that I should be taking. And is there anything else that I can lift that will help boost my vitality and my memory? Thanks so much!

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I am not a fan of multi-vitamins. I believe in individual able to regulate your intake of nutrients depending on how you have a feeling, are you under stress (take 50 milligrams of the complete B vitamins, one or two daily). Do you munch through a good diet or could within be an improvement surrounded by your nutritional intake? Are you young and helpful or elderly and don't get much exercise?

I intuitively take the following day after day:
500 milligrams of Vit. C
50 milligrams of the complete B complex
25,000 units of Vit. A
And for memory problems I cart 2 ginkgo biloba caps a hours of daylight.

I hope this helps

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Calcium and iron...but it might be easier to take a multivitamin for women.

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You can whip all the B Vitamins,C,E everyday and Calcium.

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Vitamin D, sometimes combined beside Vitamin A is good for everyone. B-12 sublinguals might serve with the fatigue, but you should check next to your doc first.

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Make sure you are getting plenty of rest and that your Iron (Folic Acid) intake is good. Steaming your vegetables (GREEN) help maintain nutrients and is an excellent source for iron. B-12 is a great force boost. : )

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special k

I'm 17 and just get on Depo-Vera.Females only plz?

Vitamin C, juice Fax Oil, garlic capsules and a High Potency multivitamin.

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