I'm 17 and just got on Depo-Vera.Females only plz?

Plz dont judge me b/c im immature but...I jus got on the shot 2day and very soon im reading that alot of ppl didnt agree w/ it and it messed up there lives i asked the doctor almost this and she didnt tall me anything that i read jus i might gain freight but does any think i should stop or jus administer me any advice on this.

Just anyone curious?

I've seen frequent women get on Depo and the one piece I noticed is that regardless of age, they adjectives gained reasonably a bit of weight. It also can manufacture some women a little moodier than they would typically be. Personally, I chose to stick with the pill because I've see (and this is only my experience) not as much of women with issues similar to that from it versus Depo. It's not bad that you're on birth control at your age, i be on it to help control my time at 16. You're being responsible, which is scarcely shameful.

Is this normal girls!?

i know three girls (in lofty school) and they all started using the shot and gain tremendous amounts of weight!! i would influence dont use it because they really did get obese! its serious weight gain.but! it is the most potent birth control!


First 2 periods ever drastically n i mean VERY standard lamp ..is this normal?

Okay, I be an OB Gyne nurse and yes you may gain some weight. However, I really do belevie it is a pscychological counterattack more than an actual physical reaction. I give many Depo-Provera shots contained by my life and know many of the women for masses years. I can honestly say that the majority did not gain any cargo at all. Do not psych yourself out thinking you WILL DEFENETLY gain the immensity. It seems to me that the moment general public got on the shot they saw it as an excuse to chomp through more. Actually one of my best friends is on Depo and she just lost 30lbs.

My best mate as only been diagnosed wiv epilspy enjoy you got ne warning on how she culd cope and what to avoid?

I don't know what girly-girl is talking almost, but abstianing from sex is the most effective tool agianst birth control, later condoms if you are married. But anyway, you will gain weight, thats striaght up, and your doctor or nurse should hold told you that before they started sticking needles in your arm. in recent times dont get your subsequent shot, and go stern on the pill if you must. But I would suggest just stop have sex until you are married. You may regret birth control, and diffrent boyfriends, but you will not regret waiting until you are married.

Stimulantx natural supplement- anybody hold info?

I started on Depo when I was 17. I didn't gain any substance. In fact I lost 20 pounds. The one entry I noticed when I started it be increased appetite, but I chose healthy foods. The other flawless thing that come out of me using Depo, was when I stopped, my time of year was common and predictable, whereas before it be so weird. The one and only downside I have have is my dr. didn't think it should be used for long period of time, so after 5 years he suggested The Pill, which I reluctantly took. Now I have a wonderful 3 month outmoded baby boy. I guess thats not really a downside... I considered necessary to wait for a while longer to have a kid.. Oh well

Weight admin?

I also started on depo when i was 17. no bulk gain, its only if you start it at 25ish you gain consignment.
the point is it does its job better than any other birth control method (other than no sex).
the just thing it does is stops your extent, and when you stop the needles your period may appropriate a while to come back. so unless you plan on have a baby until that time 20 i say step for it.

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