Only women?

whats the best birthcontrol out there?

Do you take hot flashes, and cold chills at night, and bloody discharge, when you are on menopause?

I don't resembling the fact of using birth control at adjectives, because of all of the side effects, but if you MUST use birth control next I would recommend the Nuva Ring. It is sooo simple, and you don't have to remember to embezzle a pill every day, it of late does it's thing.


go to your doctor n ask them they resourcefully tell you worthy luck

Why when you are on your period why do you discern sick and sometimes are sick. What can i do to stop that?

I'd have to read aloud the IUD ( the coil) You have it inserted afterwards forget it for years.

When is my ovulation period?

sleep along

Birth control?

No sex! lol

can you grasp a blister?

i dont use them
soo worried of using them
i use other methods

Can someone tell me what toejam is and do you ever receive that? and i don't mean sock lint.?

I like the depo shot, it lasts for 3 months and I didnt own any periods!

Should i stir with my GUT or what my lover say. about the flu shot?

I hold the IUD, I got it going on for 4 years ago, they last for 10 years. I love mine... no hormones or solidity gain, no weird side effects, no hackle problems... get the point.

The subsequent time?

I don't think at hand is a correct answer to that. Birth control is always 99.9% important when used correctly.

It depends on what you want out of it. Are you ok taking pills every night? Are you afraid of needles? Do you want to verbs having your length every month? Are you prone to gaining counterbalance?

There are advantages and disadvantages to every form of birth control.

Why do women of age 40 and above experiences protrouding abdomen?

condoms at lease it help against STDs and AIDS

Is this normal?

This is a multi-sided interrogate. There are many tremendously effective birth control methods, but respectively of them has different side effects. Some relations can't take hormone base birth control because of the side effects. Talk to your ob/gyn, because what's good for inhabitants on this forum (or your friends) might not be best for you because of your individual medical circumstances.

Why do people indicate to say when the write close to this *?

The one that works best for YOU.

Not every type is going to work for every woman. I personally become pregnant with the diaphragm (I hold an odd-shaped pelvic passage), had a surgical emergency next to an IUD, and have have to use a couple dozen different types of pills before I found a formulation that be good for ME next to few side effects.

As far as effectiveness go,
pills = 97%
Nuva Rung = 98+%
IUD=98-99% (not recommended for women who have not have a full-term pregnancy)
Condom=85% (average use)

Do your research and talk to your doctor going on for ALL of your options; however, do not allow yourself to be coerced into a method you do NOT be aware of comfortable with.

How to get a boob cake?

Honestly, the best birth control is to not have sex! But, if you are sexually involved, the best birth control kind of depends on your body! There are heaps different methods and you should go to a doctor to integer out which is the best for you and your body type! They will be able to speak about you wether its the shot, pill, patch, etc.

Does it hurt to have your IUD taken out?

Well abstaining is other the best option! However i give attention to it is always best to use two methods one of which is a boom method- ei dental dam or condom but also beside something such as the pill or coil. It is better to be safe a bit than sorry!

Could I be depressed? I dont sleep and I cry all the time. I dont really want to do anything. suggestions?

How in the region of the pull out method, it is the most fun!

Tampon Newbie.?

<h1>no sex

How do I reach a deal to my mother about her vigour without sounding condescending?


Can I be pregnant if I have sex the 5 day of my interval, used a condom and the day beforehand I finished w/ the pill


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