
i am 4' 11' and weigh 140 pounds! i need to loss solidity, FAST!

I JUST started my period!!?

exercise 3-5 times per week (cardio)
counterbalance lift every second time (muscle burns fat)

eat everything on small plates; smaller portions
(eat 500 calories smaller amount than you normally do)
don't chomp through foods high contained by calories (i.e. pizza, pasta)
drink 3-6 cups of water a day
guzzle from all food groups; only in moderation
use fruits and veggies and popcorn & pretzels as snacks (they hold less calories than chips)
do not drink pop or juice

someone your height above sea level should weigh between:

89-119 ibs...

your goal weightiness for now should be 120 ibs... see how you perceive after losing 20 pounds.


How can i gain weight?

you may weigh alot but do u look excess weight? and just scrutinize what you eat. i bet partly the people surrounded by the world or more are in matching boat as you. dont worry!

Not with the sole purpose do I have excessive urination, I enjoy excessive vagina farts. What is wrong?

Ok just to agree to you know that isn't that much, go to the store and by a laxitive and put away only soup, it is call the diariha soup diet, it is gross but it works----good luck!

How do I get rid of a bloated tummy ?

Exercise, Exercise, and Exercise! Eat on top form, walk, run, jump-n-jax, jump rope, pace your dog, swim!, play tennis, do anything to keep you live! Lower your calorie intake, and just be nutritious! There is no easy opening to lose weight, it take time, but it will be worht it when it's overwith! Don't lose motivation! and good luck :)

Is this a cut-throat burn or an infection? girls with this experience or medical experts please.?

Ten minutes ago, you be 5' 2" and weighed 110.
What happen?
(And you still can't spell).

Uterine Pain?

100% raw lacto-vegetarian diet. At your weight, if you stir on the diet 100% and never cheat, and walk 2+ miles a daylight, 5 days a week, you can probably lose around 35 lbs in two months. You mass will quickly stabilize at the amount to be precise healthiest for your body if you go on this diet, seize a good range of foods, and eat satisfactory. RAW fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and river only. You should drink 8+ specs of water day by day, and get at least possible 12 servings of food daily. You should give somebody a lift something like 5 or more smaller meal a day, instead of two or three larger ones.

You don't inevitability to buy anything to go on this diet. Just read in the order of it in the following page, and go buy food from the produce piece of the supermarket: http://rawfoodinfo.com/pictures/beforeaf...

A 100% raw vegan diet is the healthiest style for humans to eat. You may want to lift a super b complex pill each hours of daylight just to create sure that you are getting adequate amounts of your b vitamins, but this diet is still much improved that any other way to guzzle. It is not a fad diet, it have been around forever. here is a cooperation to the blog of a great looking raw lacto-vegetarian bodybuilder. He is 57 years old:

Do you ever return with weird cravings during your menstrual cycle?

How enjoy you gained 30lb within ten minutes?!

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