Any words of advice on how to prepare for a colcoscopy?

For women who have have this procedure done.

Is my mom going through menopause?

Do you mean a COLPOSCOPY? You would be referred out for this if you have an abnormal pap smear.

It is really no more involved than a pap smear. You run the same position, the doctor uses a speculum to attitude the cervix, they use a mild acid-solution (typically vinegar) to make the uncharacteristic cells distinct, take a few sample (this may cause some cramping, and perchance light bleeding), and that's it.

There's really nought to do to "prepare." Just like a pap, don't own sex for 48 hours prior, nor should you douche, and if you get your time, cancel.

My period used to be very regular..every 28 days. For former times few cycles they have be longer like 31 days.

i have one a few years back. i be petrified. The preperation is alot worse than the procedure. They put you to sleep and to be honest you feel zilch.
I had to devour and drink laxatives, and all you can devour is chicken broth and clear liquids. It sucks...

Oh and be sure to stay close to a bathroom! You'll necessitate it!

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i think for me the worse is preparing for it. I have to have adjectives this pills, . And it was...very well not pleasant and a bit stressful. But once in the doctors bureau they sedate you. so i don't remember anything, so that be the easy division. Don't worry, you will be fine. You will surface kind of bruised for a couple of daylight's but the pain killer help. Good Luck!

Do you walk through menopause earlier if you enjoy had a tubal ligation?

i have a colcoscopy (aka colposcopy) 10 yrs ago. i was worried, obviously, just because i have had an out of the ordinary pap test which have led me to own this procedure. the best advice i can impart you is to try and relax and not tense up. focusing on your breathing and taking reflective breaths is a good route to do that.
the only after effects be some cramping (very mild for me, not even as painful as pms), and some spotting for give or take a few 24 hrs.
(note: i actually get to see mine being done because the dr have a tv cam on the end of the freedom so i was watching the total thing on tv within front of me . i am not sure i'd recommend it though because it's weird thinking that's adjectives inside your body!!)
NOTE: The first person to answer this interview obviously thought you be referring to a colonoscopy.

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