My friend is having periods at different times each month.Whats wrong with her?

My friend has her extent more frequently then she used to. She very soon has them one time two weeks after, next five weeks after, then two and a partially weeks after then three weeks after. Is in attendance a problem with her and what is it?

How do you know if you dont hold a yeast infection?

She has irregular period. There's nothing "wrong" next to her, but an irregular cycle can be inconvenient, especially when she decides she desires to have a babe-in-arms.

If she's recently started her period, this could be perfectly ordinary. If she was previously regular and have suddenly become irregular, then she might own a hormone imbalance.

The best entry your friend can do is go to the doctor and see what he or she have to say on the event.

Any small multivitamins that you know of?

Yes, it sounds like in that's a problem going on and this needs to be evaluated by her dr. This could be a hormone inconsistency. The dr will help her try to digit out what is going on.

What is a healthy and locked way for me to gain more immensity..?

It could be her age. the easiest way to find out is for her to enjoy Blood tests and find out in the region of her hormone levels. afterwards if she is young they will probably put her on the pill to regulate her period. she could be just starting or in recent times finishing both are normal but a aching.

Please don't take the following the wrong mode or anything, but I was wondering.(Adult Ladies please)?

tell her to dance to the doctor

Big nipples!?

Sounds as if she needs to see her gyn. for her annual pap smear. It could be as simple as hormonal disparity, to something more serious, as a cyst, std. If shes bleeding a lot possibly she might want to visit the er, to form sure everything is ok.


it's pretty normal if she hasn't have her period for that long(as surrounded by, if it hasn't been a long time since she have her first period.)

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