Period Cramps?

What are some good ways to combat period cramps?
Other than taking midol/ibuprofen?

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If you are experiencing symptoms of menstrual cramps, it's defining to see your doctor to be properly diagnosed.

Although certain natural remedies show some promise, in that hasn't been enough research at this point to verbs they're effective. Here are some of the more popular natural remedies for menstrual cramps.

- Magnesium
- Acupressure
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Low-fat diet
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin B1
- Heat (such as a bake pack, warm bath/shower)
- Aromatherapy
- Massage
- Calcium
- Chiropractic
- Exercise
- You could go to the chemist and ask them for something for the throbbing

I would recommend that if painful cramps during your period is so desperate that it interferes with your daily events or causes you to miss work/school because of it, that you definitely see your doctor/gynaecologist for further evaluation as tight periods can sometimes be caused by conditions such as endometriosis which can sometimes raison d`??tre severe pain from an early age (although the throbbing typically gets worse as the disease does more damage beside each monthly cycle). Other causes can include fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease and sometimes a narrowing of the cervix.

Hope this help. Good luck :)

Are you relieved when you carry your length?

Hold a heating pad or heat watter bottle against your stomach. Squat against a wall ( I don't know why but I swear it works). Close your eyes and take a deep slow breath, slowly consent to it out. Repeat several times until the pain eases.

Exercise regularly (it really helps) and drinks lots of dampen. Restrict your sodium intake before your period as too much can craft your cramps really bad.

Good luck!!

**They make cordless (some chemical allergic reaction with the air make them heat up) pads freshly for your period. Stick them on your lower stomach under your clothes and your dutiful to go to school!!

Girls individual?

i enjoy the same problem, EVERY month since i started and i'm 18 now...lay down, warm baths, and "raspberry" tea NEVER helps me.

I kno u don't want to hear it, but i usually sart taking tylenol the time it starts to the second year, (thats when its the worst) during that time i don't feel a thing b/c of the tylenol but after the 2 days i'm rear legs to normal and i'm great


How serious do you deem it is?

I take midol almost 3-4 days before my period. If that doesn't facilitate I use heating pads, pinch a hot bath, or eat something really sugary, similar to sour patch kids. Usually the midol and heating pad works for me though, and I own serious cramps at times. Good luck.

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Try laying on the bed or couch with your knees bent . I used to return with cramps really bad when I was younger and that seem to relive the pain and sipping on hot tea help also ( use ginger tea, it's better). Ginger is great for stomach pains of adjectives kinds. Good luck, hope you feel better!

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Eat bananas! Seriously, they are illustrious in potassium which you loose during your period. They sustain a lot, trust me. Also, you should put a warm compress on your abdomin (sp?)

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A hot-water bottle other helped me, but this is only convenient when you are at home. I use to suffer from severe cramps that would put together me nauseous but then my doctor put me on birth-control and the cramps go away.

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Take pamprin (yes its a pill)

And then take a showery warm towel, and put it across where the dull pain is at. It soothes out the pain. :)

goodluck, i used to do that when i was a teen :)

Does your mucus discharge still vary throughout ur cycle if u r on the pill?

Having a infant is supposed to help loads! 8/ my mum says its because you realise what anguish really is then lol!

But other than that try hot river bottles, hot baths, evening primrose oil.

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Bananas and Nurofen for Period Pain.


hot bath.exercise and consumption right once you have ovulated...
if they are really bad, you might want to consider birth control

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buy some pirioid cramps motionless seirious my sister takes them i just dont know wut they are call. ask ur pharmasist

Reducing cramps on ur extent?

Drinking Water :]
Always Works on Me... NO soda drinks & Candy just water
& 'healthy' food ---> carrot and such :D

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I simply finished my length today and i enjoy a pack of bithcontrol pills i would resembling to changeover my time of year date?

I found a heating pad and drinking lots of hose really helps me.

The pill . . . . .?

exercise, believe it or not.

Birth control interrogate?

put a heat wad on or exercise

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