To my previous question my breast are very hot and of the many bumps around the nipple one is on the nipple?
I think you inevitability to see a radiologist specializing in breast care. I didnt read productive post but this sounds like it might be inflamitory carcinoma to me. dont frenzy however they thought I had it but it done up being a incredibly stubborn mastitis from breast feeding.
What size of implantation should I get?
The hallmark of infection are heat, flush, pain, and swelling - if in attendance is not increased tenderness, at minimum, to move about along with increased high temperature then it is terrifically unlikely to be infected. That said, it is very unlikely that BOTH breasts are infected simulaneously. Is nearby any possibility that this is just beforehand your menstrual cycle? - breasts can definitely metamorphosis based on hormones. As you know your teen years can be extraordinarily dynamic in vocabulary of bodily changes.Here is a connect of all variety of breasts and nipples you can see there is tremendous instability - all conventional.
If this is something that really concerns you, I would recommend you make an appointment beside your doctor to have it further evaluated.
I hope this help. Good luck to you.
Addendum: To the respondant below, get a grip. Inflammatory breast carcinoma does affect women as childish as in their twenties (you are surrounded by your teens) and does involve having a breast excessively heat up to the touch BUT there are a boat nouns of other symptoms that go near it - increased firmness, discoloration, lymph swelling, etc. Also, as an infection - it is almost always ONE breast not both at like time. Needless to say, you do not have need of a radiologist. As suggested above, if you have concerns, walk to your primary doctor or OB/GYN for an initial screening.
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