has anyone ever tried using a Mooncup?

how was it? did it work? did it seepage? would you recommend it?


Missed pill bleeding?

I love my Mooncup!

I used to use commercial tampons and commercial pads, the most permeable, and I still had to constantly translate them due to very indigestible flow, I also used to get constant yeast and bacterial infections due to the chemicals in them as well as the nonspecific health problems from tampons – menstrual cups hold no health risks associated, unlike commercial tampons that are the most unwholesome out of over 20 different menstrual options. Seriously though, it save me a whole hell of deeply of money and hassle, as well as prevented me from constant infections – I hold now be using my Mooncup for 3 years, never had a single infection in that time.

Discovering menstrual cups is also what head me into menstrual activism because I started wondering what else I did not know about menstruation, turns out at hand are a hell of a lot of issues, history and politics involved, thus why menstrual cups are so popular very soon as more people are becoming aware of their bodies and in turn how option like tampons can effect their bodies. Its afterwards through menstrual activism that I went into studying gynaecology as okay as getting involved in environmentalism in my spare time.

It is a lot safer, greener, more convenient, reduce cramping, cheaper, body-positive, ethical companies, and so on and so on, plus you have a money subsidise guarantee so even if they do not work for you then you can other get your money support – I know a few thousand women who have menstrual cups, I own yet to touch anyone who has sent their menstrual cup hindmost!

If you need more information check out my links and the sub-categories to the side from here; http://www.blinklist.com/Tarnished_Sprout/Menstrual%20Cups

Why do women own to wait until they are 40 to hold a mammagram done?

you dont know ?

How to console someone who had a miscarriage?

If you look at my dated questions you'll achieve some more feedback. I heard they be messy.

I'm worrying about some unusual bleeding I've had.?

They are the best!! You don't hold to change them as normally and they last a longer time. up to a year beside the same one. They aren't made from latex so you can't be allergic to them. carry them. you will not know how you lived without them.






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