When have your term?

When you have your time of year dose it like spill from ur body approaching at a random time or can u consistency it coming like pee, close to u can feel when u necessitate to go. or is it in recent times come and u don't feel it till it spills out? result in it might come soon and i wanna know what happens. Thanks! best answer get hold of 10 points!

Answers:    You'll most likely bring back cramps a day or two beforehand so you'll know you're period is coming. Also, you can touch it when it's coming down so you do have time to run into the bathroom and put on a pad/tampon.

And no, it does not come out approaching pee.
sometimes you can feel it and others it only spills out Just kinda comes out...you really can't "feel" it coming out like you would w/ pee.
u quality it coming if it is really havey you can feel it. but it feel differently from urinating. it usually comes out continuosly. that is why we be tampons or pads.
No, nearby is no urge, like when you hold to use the bathroom.

You just surface wet once it comes out.

If you suggest you are going to start soon, keep some pad in your purse or backpack at adjectives times, so you do have something when you start.
Nothing resembling that for me... I feel explicitly enough said it will spill from your body at impulsive times (at least that's how it is next to me). you can't feel it coming approaching you could pee.
well sometimes you can surface it, but not as runny as pee. also it comes out over a period of time.

sometimes u can surface it but most of the time u cant...and first its like table lamp then it spills out resembling More and more then towards close to the end of the week it get lighter again sometimes you feel it but next to an ache and others you don't.
It doesn't perceive like pee at adjectives. When you're standing up, you can't really feel it flowing into your wad or tampon. But, if you're sitting for a long period of time and stand up, you can get the impression the heavy flow.. which would be a suitable time to bolt to the bathroom and change your wipe or tampon.

Good Luck!
Usually can't feel it coming, it without rhyme or reason comes out. You'll probably feel it as it is coming though, you only won't get any admonitory. You can't feel the actual menstruation coming out unless the flow is extremely thickset and you decide not to use a tampon.

In broad, you will learn to take in the signs your body is giving you. You will possibly feel a bit crampy, sometimes a little gassy a few days prior to when you truly start to bleed.

It is not an urgency like urination, and it's not something that you can really quality. It's more like an inconvienent distress in your lower gut.
sometimes you can quality it and other times you don't Everyone is different, sometimes you might get a slight strain in your ovaries or across your lower belly, but other times it merely arrives! Once you get yours, you will know how to tell when its comming eventually.
From my experience, it doesn't "spill" or touch like "pee." You'll newly feel dampness/wetness on your underwear. You may also achieve some cramping/pains in your belly. It comes out with pee. It's a short time ago like a soft that's mixed with your pee. It comes out when you touch you have to pee.
I feel when you first get it, you won't be aware of it but will notice some spotting on your underwear. But once you become regular on a monthly font, you can feel it . Keep surrounded by mind, you will probably notice cramping within your lower stomach before anything happen . yes u do feel it. I touch mine. It feels approaching a piece of your inner tissue was ripped sour or like something newly dropped in ur tummy. You can also get naseaus morale a few minutes before u in reality start to bleed.
This might sound gross... but when I win my period sometimes I know and sometimes I don't. I tight sometimes you can feel it, because it is unwieldy, but then other times I can't. It doesn't have a feeling like pee though.

Sometimes I will know I am getting my term because I will have cramps close to two days before it get here.

It is really hard to predict when you capture your period, and sometimes it a short time ago depends on what your flow is like to convey.

Just when it comes it comes. Its the annoying little thing of every woman's existence.

Good luck! lol
no you cant feel it approaching pee...you cant even notice its comming except if you own a heavy flow( where on earth alot of blood comes out) you have really discouraging cramps when it comes out...well at tiniest i do... in most cases you dont surface it at all hope i help at least a bit it depends its nought like going pee you cant explain to when it comes you just catch cramps a little bit until that time but for some people you can have a feeling when the blood comes out of you ..good luck near everything
when i shared this with my girlfriend, you touch it coming. but then you stipulation to be very vigilant the first time since you have never experienced it back. after you go through it, next you get how your body react even before the actual flow so that you are prepared impulsive enough since the actual flow. yea...it like feel like your peeing and approaching you cant hold it in it of late randomly coms out and than you other feel drizzly...ewwwah...i hate those days!
Sometimes you can be aware of it comeing, but sometimes you can't, but you are constantly bleeding the whole time. If you wear pad you can definately feel it when you move of stand up after sitting It in fact really depends on the person. Not every soul can feel it coming but some can. You of late have to hang around and see how it is for you!
it's a weird sense not so much like pee, but you will perceive it though. i am guessing it's ur first period, first period take you by surprise basis since you have nevr experienced that sensation in the past you wont be able to identify it.
but i own had my prediod for a while and i od quality it coming sometimes, if i am not too busy.
hope that helps
if you touch a big flow then you know u can quality it happening .
close to pee ? lmao .
It feels resembling your actually taking a pee...

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