Why am I wet all the time... I keep having liquid seep out of my vagina. like I'm a virgin?

Does this mean I'm overly turned on. that my bod requirements sex to release itself?

GIrLs OnLy..?

You are most likely fine. Most secretion from the vagina are from your cervix (entryway to the uterus!) and are made to either lend a hand you or hinder you getting pregnant. The fluids can be sticky, lotiony, flakey, egg-whitey, stretchy, clear, etc etc, depending on where on earth you are in your cycle. If you are turned on, specifically another type of fluid and if you put it on your finger, it should evaporate quickly. Cervical fluid does not evaporate rotten your finger, that is how you make clear to the difference.

The most cervical fluid should be egg-whitey and stretchy if you pull it between your fingers (doesn't evaporate any!). That is fertile quality cervical fluid and is supposed to support the spermies have a cheery environment up until you get pregnant. It happen every month right before you ovulate (release your egg) and it can appear like deeply of fluid!!

Your body is just preparing for pregnancy and you are most fertile right next. As you get elder, the length of time you hold that fluid and the amount you have will lessening. I think it get quite a bit smaller quantity when you are in your overdue 30's. Anywho, hope this explains it!


No. Having sex more often will simply make it worse. Some woman smoothly "seep" more than others. If you are concerned that it might be a medical problem you might ask your doctor.

Hw to know that u r pregnent?

That liquid is discharge!! how ancient are you? it is perfectly NORMAL! stay detached and wear a pad.

Am i pregnant?

It's probably completely common. That's because the vagina is a self-cleaning organ.

As long as this is clear and you're not feeling any itching or burning, it's nil. But if either of the above are present, see your doctor. There are some problems that hold nothing to do next to sexual activity.

I'm 20 and my hips are getting bigger! Any reason why?

Better have your bladder checked out, it may hold fallen and what is "seeping" out may be urine. Go see you Doctor

What are the just the thing Measurements for a Ballerina?

We all need sex and it's time you do something roughly speaking it if you like but meanwhile you can walk on less slippery and spicy vegetarian diet near lots of fruits and vegetables. I'm sure it will help.

Do u know give or take a few Bras?

Hello, ma'am. My name's, ably, just phone up me Dr. D., EvG.
The problem you mention is familiar to copious women, and girls who are virgins or not. There is a production of fluid within the vagina which is completely ordinary. It's nothing to be alarmed wth. I am inept to offer any professional warning due to ethical reasons. However if you are concerned you should see a physician, inform him/her all your concerns, and they will be festive to address each and every verbs you have.
Take diligence, and good going by keeping your virginity. There's seriously of STD's out there. Even next to condoms, no one is not detrimental 100percent. So congratulations for being one of the smarter women around...
Vote Dr. D., Ev.G., best answer
if you call for further clarification, email me and I'll try to help you...

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