Hw to know that u r pregnent?

without any test or if u r have periods is it nessasary that u r not pregnent>??

I miss oodles periods contained by a row I'm 18 and a virgin so I can't be pregnant why am I missing so many?

you can enjoy a normal time of year all through your pregnancy. you should really see a docotor for you vigour and saftey. please do ok

Excuse my ignorance but the whole woman on top thang sounds fear-provoking 2 me.?

tenderness of the breast, swelling of the breast, nausua or vomiting, cravings, extreme sleepiness

Loestin helps near crampin?

dizzyness, vomit,
mensas didnt come for few months,
check ur urine.

Im A Bit Shy..?

You may FEEL a bit different, and your breasts may become tender and swell a bit. Try taking a test, or seeing your doctor.

What are the effects when a gurl is virgin but the guy n gurl's private place meet?

yes u can be pregnant and still have ur spell. get a check or go to the obgyn.

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