I'm 20 and my hips are getting bigger! Any reasons why?

I'm not gaining substance or anyhing

How can a gilr increase her breast size without any surgery?

because you're at your most fertile right in a minute. its your body's way of preparing for child birth. if u muse they're big now, lately wait til after u enjoy children. u could drive a mack truck through there!


Becoming more womanly is my guess

In the untimely ages, how did the know..??

late puberty

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your body is preparing you for child birth.. in a agency its telling you its in place.

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When you say hips, do you niggardly the "saddlebag" area? Your freight is redistributing itself, presently that your metabolism is slowing down...you might not be gaining substance, but it's moving around.

Can the HYMEN break if.?

Don't worry roughly speaking them, a real man loves nice hips and I'm sure your are awfully nice. From a 22 yr old masculine.

Poll of The day. [Girls special]?

Your body preparing for child birth you are entering the raw child bearing years.

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