Im thinken almost switching to tamponds but whats the risk?

all my friends use em so i feel similar to the odd ball... but whats the risk? and how do i avoid it?

Question for women onlyyyy! shavingg your...?


Tampons are a menstrual device worn completely inside the vaginal strait with the exception of the string. This makes them suitable for wear during happenings such as swimming. Menstrual blood is not exposed to the air with the use of tampons, so here is limited odor. There is no way to see that a woman is using a tampon when she is clothed, unlike sanitary napkins, which enjoy outlines that can sometimes be seen through fabric. As a disposable product, in attendance is no need to wash anything within between use.

[edit] Toxic shock syndrome

Main article: toxic shock syndrome

Tampons have been shown to enjoy a connection to toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a rare but sometimes vicious disease caused by bacterial infection. The U.S. FDA suggests the following guidelines for decreasing the risk of contracting TSS when using tampons:

* Follow package directions for insertion
* Choose the lowest absorbency for your flow
* Change your tampon at lowest possible every 4 to 8 hours
* Consider alternating disposable or cloth pads with tampons
* Avoid tampon usage overnight when sleeping
* Know the limitation signs of toxic shock syndrome

Following these guidelines can help to protect a woman from TSS, and cases of tampon connected TSS are extremely rare contained by the United States.

[edit] Other health concerns

Many chemicals are present in tampons, including pesticides used on the cotton and chlorine used to bleach the tampons. Some of the chemicals used to bleach tampons hold been implicated in the formation of dioxin. A study by the FDA done surrounded by 1995 says there are not significant amounts of dioxin to pose a vigour risk; the amount detected ranged from undetectable to 1 part surrounded by 3 trillion, which is far less than the normal exposure to dioxin surrounded by everyday life.[1] However, the presence of dioxin in a product that enter a major body orifice, where here is more risk of absorption, caused a large amount of concern. Nevertheless, manufacturers insist that bleaching is needed to produce effective products, despite tampons not using bleaching or chemical treatment anyone available.

Another concern is related to the use of rayon in tampons. Rayon consists of tiny strings of plastic. Some speculate that these strands of plastic can cause microtears on the vaginal wall when man inserted and taken out. There is further speculation that, if microtears are present, the condition could leave the vagina more open to infection.

Fiber loss along near damage done to the vaginal tissue from fiber has also be a concern. Furthermore, as tampons are absorbent and placed within an nouns such as the vagina, this significantly increases the risk of bacterial infections.

Although some say that 100% cotton tampons may be safer than using tampons with a cotton and rayon mix because of in attendance being less dioxin, in attendance is still a risk with all-cotton tampons. Some researchers claim that although switching to a 100% cotton alternative reduces the risk of TSS, it does not remove it entirely. People are also exposed to dioxins surrounded by other ways, so eliminating dioxin in tampons will not indicate there will be no contact with dioxin surrounded by the environment. Fiber loss is more likely with all-cotton tampons than those beside cotton and rayon mix. All-cotton tampons are also generally harder to find and usually cost more than generic tampon brands.

Lifetime supply of Rely Tampons = One box.

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Make sure you change your tampon every 4 hours to avoid a potentially homicidal bacterial infection called Toxic Shock Syndrome. Now just because you don't progress at the 4 hour mark does not mean you will draw from infection, but it more relates to how the bacteria grows exponentially fast surrounded by dark, warm, moist environments. Basically, don't sleep beside a tampon in.

Other than that there is no risk! They are a godsend, as you can jump swimming and run comfortably with them in!

Make sure to practice using one while you are on your spell AT HOME! You don't want to be caught in some strange bathroom, trying to put one in!

Also, if/when you do try them, don't be intimidated by the sizes! They sort "junior" ones which are aimed for first-timers and make your life a complete lot easier when putting them in for the first time.

My first extent =0?

Tampons have come a long road since the Toxic Shock Syndrome outbreak. TSS was caused by germs that cultured from women keeping them in for longer than 8 hours. Before they knew of the risk woman would wear them for more than a daylight which caused TSS.

TSS is the main concern beside tampons, but it almost unheard of now a days. As long as you change them frequently-wearing them no longer next 8 hours-you should be fine. The only other downside is I have hear and experienced that sometimes tampons can cause cramping to be worse.

Otherwise though tampons have profoundly of advantages. Once you get used to using them-they can be a little awkward at first. They allow you to still dress within tight outfits where a bulky pad would show. You can run swimming with them where a wad would swell like a diaper. You tend to feel cleaner because you enjoy less mess.

To answer your question though a short time ago wear them as the label instructs. Changing more often on brawny days and you'll be fine. You can consult with a gyno too about this if it will bring in you feel better.

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The risk is toxic shock syndrome, which is quite infrequent. There will be a pamphlet in the tampon box that will explain all roughly it. It's nothing to completely freak out about. You can significantly avoid the risk by shifting your tampon regularly.

The other risk is stained undewear. You'll want to be careful about what size tampon you use and probably wear pantyliners for awhile.

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No risk. Toxic shock is singular caused by the super super absorbency tampons, and if you leave them contained by too long.

Just keep clean and cash them out as often as you can. They are much better than pads - no tumult, diaper feeling, dirtyness, and are easier to stash and dispose. And people don't see you wearing them. You can also swim, shower, workout, run and do pretty much everything contained by them!

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The only risk that goes along near using tampons is Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). However, this can be easily avoided by changing your tampon AT LEAST every eight hours. However, if your term is heavier, I'd change them more often. Also, it's probably not a honest idea to wear one while you're sleeping, unless you have your alarm set. Just use a wipe when you sleep.

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just use your size, start out with regular, after if its too big use a juniors/light. but theres no risk unless you use them for over 8 hours then you can get toxic shock syndrome (TSS) but thats really sporadic. dont sleep in them and dont keep them within for more than 8 hours. youre fine, theyre safe if you read the instructions/warnings on the paper when you buy them

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If you put them surrounded by right its not a big deal.
There's a slight risk of TSS (toxic shock syndrome), but that can be easily avoided as long as you don't hold them in longer than 2 hours max...except for when you sleep.

They're a lot more simplified than pads and you don't feel similar to you're wearing a diaper while using them! But by all means do NOT discern pressured by your friends! If pads work for you, they're should switch because you want to, not because you're trying to be like everyone else.

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avoid tampons? im confused more or less that but. no there is no risk. many rumors are person made that they break ur virginity but thats not true. Thy are much more comfortable than pads. plus, pads stink after a while. tampons also appropriate up little room compared to pads. i would start with a slender one and only just relax while doing it. its a little scary the 1st time but after that its confident. good luck and plz switch ull be glad!

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Well... I'm glad to hear that you aren't going to just try something inflict your friends are... smart girl.
But lets see... If you're using pads right presently, and you find them uncomfortable, See if you can try tampons. But make sure that (if you are still a virgin / partly never used them) start with the really slender kind. Thats what I use, and I can just about tell that they're there!
Also at hours of darkness, use pads. If tampons are left within for over 8 hours, theres a slight risk of toxic shock syndrome. But don't be frightened! Its very very uncommon.

Best wishes.

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i've never heard of tamponds?? are they like tampons but you find em surrounded by a pond? If everyone else is using them, they by all means-go for it!!

as for tampons, as long as you change them every few hours you will be fine. a short time ago don't use them when your flow is really light (end of it) because they can get really dry and hurt. The benefits of using them outweigh the risks-IMO

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capably there is a risk of toxic shock syndrome, but i dont know ANYONE who has ever have it or knows anyone that has it . I dont own it either lol. i was upset at first too and they really are a lifsaver even though it doesnt seem so at first. Not much of a risk but take it out every 2-3 hours if not it could break apart and increase the risk of toxic shock syndrome. hope i helped!

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slight risk of tss, though not if you change them every few hours, and i enjoy never heard of anyone acutually getting toxic shock syndrome, and slightly painful if you put them surrounded by wrong, but they are way better and way smaller amount messy than pads i would reccomend playtex, they always come across easier to insert

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the risk is called TSS or Toxic Shock Syndrome. the risk isnt super shouldn't wear a tampon for more than 8 hrs and try to use them to a minimum...i usually use them for college and going out but at home i use a pad...they come in adjectives different sizes so i recommend getting a multi size pack so you find out what size you are comfortable with. dont get tampax pearl -fibers from this brand lead to infections- and try not to get generic i would highly recomend Playtex Gentle Glide or Playtex sport...remember that the price of t-pons is smaller amount important compaired to your health.GL!

Help Me Please!!?

all right really its sorta the same way as a wipe. the only thing u own to make sure is 2 switch it every 6 hrs. (basically just similar to changing a pad). if u dont change it theres sum sort of article that happends 2 ur blood & u can get infections. but im sure ur smart enough to rework em & also carry around little vagisil wipes. this also scheme u have to sleep with a wad at nite.

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Toxic Shock Syndrome. Why do you want to use them just because your friend are? If your friends were jump off a bridge, would you... never mind, went on a tangent nearby.
It's safe to use them once in a while (like for swimming) but I wouldn't suggest every light of day during your time. Go with what is comfortable for you and err on the safe side, surrounded by my opinion.

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there is a slight destiny of TSS that you can get if you leave a tampon contained by too long. As long as you dont leave it in longer than 8 hours you'll be fine. ALSO... use the right size.. they brand name them in light, regular, super and super plus.. similar to pad.. just use the one that best fits your flow for that day to reduse the risk

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The merely risk is if you leave it in too long. Otherwise, they're prefectly risk-free. However, just because your friends use them isn't a reason you have need of to, and it might hurt the first time. Plenty of people use pads. Talk to your mom in the order of it before you do anything, though! :)

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Toxic shock syndrome is one of the risk if you don't change your tampon surrounded by 6 hours. Tampons are way better then pad i was scared at first but i am so glad i switched!!

A quiz more or less shaving, this is crazyy but...?

you can take cancer from the tampons that is a big risk i new some one get cancer from using tampons before if you do used tampons please be care-full

*clears throat* Personal query, would prefer if single feminine come..?

the only risk is toxic shock syndrome which is amazingly rare

don't use pads those are so gross
if you can have a feeling the blood that's nasty
tampons make natural life so much easier

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the risk is not changing them properly. if it gets too full, it could organize to an infection. if you are not ready to use them, keep using pad =]
good luck =]

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The only risk is toxic shock syndrom. Thats by using a tampon thats for a unwieldy flow when your flow is light.

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tampons, not tamponds lol
theres not many big risks i know of, try them if you want to. but dont do it basically because your friends are. thats dumb

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Just keep yourself clean(which you should do anyway) and change it, at most, every four hours.

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Tss, progress at least every 6 hrs.

Ladies please backing?!?

I think you should make conversation to your mother or grandmother, etc about that

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theres no risk at all

Ummmm...I'm curious...Please answer this cross-question..?

your a girl you obligation tampons to stop bleeding

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1 4 The Girls.?
How do you know?
  • Lack of Sex drive/implanon (one Q)?
  • OK NEED assistance here beside weightiness!!

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